What is StraightRevShare? Is Straight RevShare Scam or Legit?
StraightRevShare is nothing but a Ponzi scheme in the name of advertising revenue sharing site and we can say that by observing the rate of return that Straight Rev Share is claiming to pay back to its members on the purchase amount of AdPacks in certain period of time. We don't mean revenue sharing business is a Ponzi scheme, but Straight RevShare is definitely a Ponzi scheme which is an illegal and unsustainable business.
So, what makes Straight Rev Share different from other revenue sharing sites which are sustaining from long run and why we think StraightRevShare is a Ponzi scheme?
Is Straight Rev Share a scam then?
What is Straight RevShare in real?
OK, let's find out the detail answers of these queries within our StraightRevShare review as below.
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Straight Rev Share login and join in link:- https://www. straightrevshare. com/ (Not Recommended to join)
What is StraightRevShare.com? Why we don't recommend Straight Rev Share
Aforementioned, Straight Rev Share is a Ponzi Scheme, not a real advertising revenue sharing company because the rate of return which they are claiming such as 110% within 5 days, 120% within 16 days, 130% within 20 days and 150% within 30 days are not sustainable rates. Till date, most of the top revenue sharing sites haven't declared how much they can share each day and even most of them are only sharing not more than 2% per day, according to which it takes around 60 days to return 120% ROI, so how can Straight RevShare return 120% within 16 days or 110% within 5 days, means 22% daily, from where they can make that profit. Sure, they can't and the only way they can pay is by using the money of new members to pay the existing members which is an illegal Ponzi Scheme.
More than that, there is still a debate either advertising revenue sharing site is a Ponzi scheme or not and the giant advertising revenue sharing site known as TrafficMonsoon is debating on court to legalize this business model. But, still it is not sure this business can be legalize or not because SEC seems completely against these kinds of business model. Anyway, some advertising revenue sharing sites like FutureAdPro are surviving from long time, but still their business model is not confirm as legal and in case of Straight Rev Share, they are trying to lure people by showing very high rate of return which sure can't be sustain because by observing the popular advertising revenue sharing sites, we can say that this business model can't share more than 2.5% daily, sometime even less and that is also only possible if they have good amount of members who don't only purchase AdPacks but also purchase their other advertising services. But, Straight Rev Share is claiming to share high rate of return within short period of time and also claiming to provide 10% on level 1 referrals and 5% on level 2 referrals purchases which make them more unsustainable. So, we are sure this site can't be sustain for long time. Yep, like other Ponzi schemes, this site will also keep on paying for some moment till the ratio of new money coming into the company is more than the withdrawal amount. Once they start to observe the withdrawal amount is increasing day by day, they will stop paying or even shutdown their site.
When we try to check the owner details of Straight Rev Share within WHOIS detail, we come out empty hand because the owner details and address of the company is completely hidden within WHOIS detail and within their site they have mentioned few name of owners, but there is not any verifiable proof that those are the real owners. More than that, the website hosting service which they are using to operate Straight Rev Share has been used by numbers of scam sites. So, it is better to stay out of Straight Rev Share.
If you only consider the paying status of the site, then Straight Rev Share will also pay at starting. But, soon after few months or even after some days, it can stop paying and you can lose your money anytime in this site. So, from our side we don't recommend StraightRevShare.
If you want to earn good amount of money online, then you can find the list of good and trusted online work companies in our site by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
Among all legit online work companies, our No.1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate. If you want to know why, then you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/
If you don't want to work in other sites than the revenue sharing sites even after knowing the risk involve to work in these kinds of sites, then you can find the list of popular revenue sharing sites which are sustaining from long time by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/work-home-reviews/
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