What is BitSilver? Warning! BitSilver is not Legal - NOI

What is BitSilver? Warning! BitSilver is not Legal

You did right choice to do the research by searching BitSilver reviews because it is not a good company and it can't pay for long run. So, then what is Bit Silver, why are we saying Bit Silver is not a good company, is Bit Silver scam then? Well, you are going to find the answers of these all queries within our detail review on BitSilver here, the real truth about Bit Silver.

In short, Bit Silver is a Ponzi Scheme which is neither a sustainable nor a legal business. Even if you are a risk taker who like to work with Ponzi scheme, then also BitSilver will be bad choice for you because it is going to be collapse soon and stop paying. They are offering 15% daily on investment amount and that is also forever. None of the legit business can make such amount of profit within a day. So, they will keep on paying existing members at staring by using the money invested by new members, but each time they pay their members, they will create debt into their system. These kinds of companies will keep on observing the ratio of new investment coming into the system versus the withdrawal amount and only keep on paying until the ratio of new investment coming into the system is more than the withdrawal amount. Once they realize that the new investment coming into the system is becoming less compare with the withdrawal amount, they will just stop paying. All Ponzi scheme pays in that way. That is why Ponzi scheme is illegal in many countries. If you don't know what is Ponzi and Pyramid scheme, then you can find the details about Ponzi and Pyramid schemes by clicking the following respective links:-

Ponzi Scheme:- newsonlineincome.org/ponzi-scheme/

Pyramid Scheme:- newsonlineincome.org/2017/03/06/what-is-pyramid-scheme/

But, there are some people who enjoy playing money within Ponzi schemes. If you are the one, then also we suggest you to stay out of BitSilver because it is not going to survive for long run, not even close with other Ponzi schemes. Anyway, from our side we never recommend any Ponzi schemes and more than that BitSilver is highly unsustainable Ponzi scheme, so definitely will not recommend it because we only recommend sustainable, legal and establish online work companies. For example, you can take a look at our recommended online work companies list by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

Among those recommended online work companies also we have rated different companies with different score considering the factors like the ways to earn money from the company, the amount of money that can be earn from the company, the rate of successful members, the numbers of years company is running and so on. By considering all these factors, we have rated Wealthy Affiliate as a No.1 online work company about which you can find the details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

OK, let's begin with our Bit Silver review as below in order to find out what is bitsilver.biz in real.

What is BitSilver? BitSilver review. Is BitSilver a scam?

BitSilver login and join in link:- bitsilver.biz (Not Recommended to join)

What is Bit Silver and why we don't recommend it?

BitSilver is a combination of highly unsustainable schemes, Ponzi and Pyramid. Actually Ponzi and Pyramid schemes are illegal in many countries, but also there are some people who are willing to work and take a risk in these kinds of companies because at starting every Ponzi scheme pays. But, considering the rate of return, we don't think even it is good for those risk takers who want to take a risk by investing in Ponzi scheme because none of the Ponzi scheme can sustain for long run by paying 15% daily return forever on one time investment. On top of that, even we don't recommend the Ponzi scheme which offers low rate of return and can be sustain for little longer period. So, either way, we don't recommend BitSilver.

Actually, at least those Ponzi scheme which offers low rate of return and whose owner details are clear can survive for some months, but only for some months. But, in case of Bit Silver, neither its ROI plans can be sustain for long run nor its owner details are clear. If you check the WHOIS detail of Bit Silver, then you will find out nothing about the owner and address of the company. They also haven't mentioned anything about the owner within their website as well. The only information that they have provided in their website is the UK Companies House registration document which anyone can register by providing rental (virtual) address just by paying 20 GBP which is not a license to run any investment company like BitSilver. Actually, we have found many Ponzi scheme companies which have provided the UK Companies House registration document in order to make people confuse so that they look like a real company, but they are not. Many Ponzi schemes which had provided the UK Companies House documents have been already collapsed and turned into scams.

More than that, if you check the WHOIS details more deeply, you will find out many similar information in BitSilver which matches with another similar kind of Ponzi scheme known as Skyllex. So, may be the team of Skyllex is running this another Ponzi scheme.

Bit Silver has also provided the referral earnings upto 2 levels like MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies, but without selling any products or services, just on the investment amount of referrals on their ROI plans which makes them another illegal scheme known as Pyramid scheme.

Actually we can go on and on to prove that Bit Silver is upcoming scam company. But, we think this much information is already enough to give you the reason why we don't recommend BitSilver. So, we are now going to conclude this BitSilver review.


Aforementioned, it is clear that Bit Silver is neither a legal nor a sustainable company, so it is better to stay out of it. If you want to earn money online in real, you can take a look at our recommended online work companies list by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

If you want to earn good amount of money online so that you can quit your job and can establish full time online income on regular basis for your lifetime, then we suggest you to join our top rated online work company known as Wealthy Affiliate. You can find our detail review on Wealthy Affiliate by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

However, if you are not interested in any other kinds of companies, but only interested in risky companies like HYIP, revenue share, crowd funding, then you can find those kinds of popular sites which are sustaining from long time by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/work-home-reviews/

It is better you warn your friends and families about BitSilver.biz by sharing this Bit Silver review:-

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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