What is Decluttr? Is Decluttr a Scam or a Genuine?

We know that you are here because you were searching for the Decluttr review in order to find out what is Decluttr.com in real, either is Decluttr.com scam or genuine, does it work or not and so on.

However, before we begin with our Decluttr review, we want to explain you why we are writing this review, what makes us qualified to do the review of this company.

Actually, we are qualified personnels who are expert in doing reviews on online money making programs and doing the reviews of such companies from 2014 and listing in this website as genuine or scam companies, we become expert to do the review on any kind of online businesses. So, that makes us expert to do the review on Decluttr as well.

Decluttr, Decluttr.com, Decluttr review

Decluttr is a company, an app where you can sell your unwanted DVDs, CDs, games, mobiles and so on or you can purchase same kinds of items and also can earn money from its affiliate program by selling its stuffs.

That is why even its slogan is "Sell or shop. Why wouldn't you?".

But, now your main concern is either is Decluttr genuine or scam, can we trust this company to buy some products or to ship our used products or not.

Well, it has got good ratings in Trustpilot and Google Play Store at the time of this review. So, that proves there are lots of satisfied customers. Following is the screenshot of some Decluttr customer reviews in Google Play Store.

Decluttr customer reviews from Google Play Store.

About Decluttr Complaints:

It is not that there are not any complaints for this company. There are also lots of complaints against Decluttr and most of those complaints are related with the pricing of the product.

According to those complaints, when people enter the barcode of their product within their app as well as within their website, they found out pretty good price, but after they send their products to the company, they offer revised price which is less than what they have found by entering the barcode within their website or app.

But according to the Decluttr, they revised the price of the products only when they are too much damage. More than that, the thing which we like about Decluttr is its customer support which is very active.

You can find that Decluttr has replied each and everyone who make the complaints against them to rectify those complaints. Either within Google Play Store reviews or within other platforms like Trustpilot or so on, they have always replied to every complaints. You can find the screenshot of some of those complaints within Trustpilot as below.

In above complaints, you can find that it's not Decluttr's fault to decrease the rate of the items because you can find that Decluttr has replied to each of them explaining how much damage was their items. So, in that condition, if Decluttr revised the price of the items, then that is not a bad in real.

If we are going to sell our items to Decluttr and if that items are damage, then we should not only check the price of that item using barcode, but also should contact the company and give them full details about the condition of those items. Then we can find the exact price before we ship our items.

So, is that means Decluttr is genuine? Can we trust it?

At the time of this review, we have found 2533 reviews by the customers within TrustPilot, 1786 reviews in Google Play Store and 38 reviews in BBB where it has succeed to get 5 stars within TrustPilot, 3.9 stars within Google Play Store and C rating within BBB which is good. You can find the screenshots of its reviews within TrustPilot, Google Play Store and BBB as below.

So, considering these reviews and ratings, we can say that we can trust Decluttr. However, we check further the registration details of the company in BloomBerg and found that it is registered as an Entertainment Magpie Ltd. and was founded in 2007. The registered address is Black & White House, Hulley Road, Hurdsfield Industrial Estate, Macclesfield,  SK10 2AF, United Kingdom.

The registration data of the company is completely fine and they are in the business from 2007 which proves that they are already sustaining from very long time and growing day by day which is of course a good sign. Actually, the UK version of Decluttr.com is "musicmagpie.co.uk" which has very good ratings like 5 stars in TrustPilot with 35,000 + reviews, 3.3 stars in Google Play Store with 4,000 + reviews and C rating within BBB.

Background: Founders and Employees

Since Decluttr is a sister site of musicMagpie, so the management group of both companies are the same. So, if you want to find out who is running and operating both companies, then you can find the details within our musicMagpie review by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/musicmagpie/

What about the affiliate program of Decluttr? Is it worth to earn money?

Decluttr affiliate program is also not so bad, but not so good either because most of the time people directly join this company to try it by themselves. So, it is hard to find the affiliates who joins through the affiliate promotion and buy the stuffs within Decluttr unless we know the internet marketing techniques to find the relevant customers. If our affiliates don't purchase anything, we make nothing.

So, it is always better to work with affiliate programs which offers various items to choose, not the limited ones like in Decluttr. The best affiliate program is Amazon about which we have explained in detail within our another post here:- newsonlineincome.com/affiliate-program-amazon/

However, Decluttr affiliate program is not so bad as well. You should know that once people click your affiliate link of Decluttr, that will save for 90 days within their device. Any products those people purchase in Decluttr within 90 days after clicking your affiliate link, you will get commissions for that.

So, if you have good knowledge about internet marketing and online business, then definitely you can make money from the affiliate program of Decluttr as well.

However, if you are not expert in affiliate marketing, then we suggest you to take an internet marketing training. Once you take such training, you will not only learn to earn from affiliate programs, but will also learn to earn by making your own website in your own subject of interest. The best example of such training is Wealthy Affiliate.

Things that you should consider while you work with Decluttr

The main problem in Decluttr and the lots of complaints against it is due the difference between the price which people find out while entering the barcode of the items and the revised price which people get after shipping their items to the company.

Most of time people have complained when they found out that they are getting much more lower price than what they have expected by checking the price of item within their website by entering the barcode.

If you think generally, it is not the company's fault. The price which you can find by entering the barcode of the item or scanning the barcode within the official website of Decluttr is the price if your item is in good condition.

However, if you are selling CDs, DVDs which have scratch or whose cover is crashed and so on, or if you are selling the mobile phone whose screen is damaged or have other faults and so on, then you should not except to get the exact price which you have find by entering the barcode of the item within their website.

If you are the buyer, would you buy the scratch, damage, useless items because those are cheap? Of course not. Similarly, Decluttr also can't pay you the price which they have quoted while you have enter the barcode of the item if your item is damaged. That barcode quoted price is just for the items which are completely in condition, but are only old.

So, to avoid this misunderstanding, it is better you contact the customer service of Decluttr and explain to them the complete detail of your items before shipping and ask them the price which they can pay you.

Except this misunderstanding, we haven't found any other fault in this company.

So, do we recommend this company?

Yep, we do recommend Decluttr and have listed it within our Good and Trusted Online Works section. But, that doesn't mean we will show you the big dream.

Nope, you can't make too much money by selling your old stuffs. However, if your those old stuffs are laying around in your home and only taking the space, but completely useless for you, then definitely this platform is good platform to get rid of those kinds of stuffs such as mobile phones, DVDs, toys, games, CDs, and so on.

Its affiliate program is also not bad, but in same time not a platform to earn big money. Its affiliate program is useless for you if you don't have any internet marketing knowledge. You need to find the buyers, not just the people who click your affiliate link.

In order to find the buyers who are interested to purchase the second hand items like CDs, DVDs, games, mobiles phones and so on, you must target your promotion within relevant groups for which you must learn the internet marketing. So, in order to learn the internet marketing to sell the affiliate products of companies like Decluttr, Amazon, JVZoo, musicMagpie and so on, it is better you take a training from the company like Wealthy Affiliate.

If you like to share this Decluttr review with your friends and families, then please feel free to do so.

Please feel free to leave your comment below if you have to say anything or want to report anything about Decluttr or want our help in relation to online work industry.

We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you.

Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


2 responses to “What is Decluttr? Is Decluttr a Scam or a Genuine?”

  1. I received a CD from decluttr that I did not order and do not want. In fact I had never heard of decluttr before this arrived in the mail. I will not pay to have it returned and don't want to get a bill later. What should I do?

    1. Contact the support team of Decluttr.

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