What is Monster.com? Is there any alternative? - NOI

What is Monster.com? Is there any alternative for it?

Monster.com is a global online employment solution for those who are seeking for jobs and for those who are looking for people to hire for job.


In simple word, Monster.com is a medium for jobs and career opportunities which helps individuals to search for jobs and helps employers to find the right person for the job. They have also provided additional facilities like career advice from Monster's job experts, hiring and recruiting advice form Monster's experts and so on.


Monster.com is a global medium in connecting people to jobs. Monster.com is available in more than 40 countries, providing job seeking, career management, recruitment and talent management services. We can also categorized Monster.com as a job search engine. 


Monster.com official website link:- https://www.monster.com/

What is Monster.com, Monster.com is scam or legit? Monster.com Review

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Monster.com Review on company's background

Monster.com was registered in 1994-07-18 and it is pioneered in the business of digital recruiting. The long history of Monster.com itself prove that it is a legit platform for the service which it is providing. Although Monster.com serves around 40 countries, more than 65% of its customers are based on USA. It is actually one of the most visited employment websites in the United States. Monster.com is registered under the organization name Monster Worldwide, Inc., and they have provided their address as 133 Boston Post Rd, Weston, USA within their website as well as in WHOIS detail. The founder of Monster.com was Jeff Taylor and the CEO was Mark Stoever. But later on, it was acquired by many other organizations and at last in August 9, 2016, Monster was acquired by Randstad Holding, an Amsterdam-based human resources and recruitment specialist, for $429 million in cash. Randstad Holding was founded in 1960 by Frits Goldschmeding and he is still the biggest shareholder. Randstad’s head office is in Diemen, in the Netherlands and it operates in around 39 countries.



Is Monster.com is Best Career Website or do we have other good alternatives?

What is the best platform to start a good career?

Many people will say that Monster.com use to be the good source for both employers and job seekers, but now a days it becomes advertising hub than focusing on its main motto. Even you can find out lots of Monster.com complaints from the employers for not providing best candidates for work. You can also find out lots of complaints form those who purchase resume review service from Monster.com, according to them those advice can get in free resume journal websites, so why pay around $100 to Monster.com. Like these, you can find lots of unhappy customers of Monster.com these days. But, due to these complaints, we can't say Monster.com is bad because every company has complaints and Monster.com has very large amount of customer base due to which complaints will be also in large volume. But comparing it with its past days, day by day, the number of customer is decreasing and the number of complaints are increasing, which is definitely not a good sign for any company and Monster.com sure need to do something about it to remain in the business. These days even people says that the best alternative of Monster.com is Indeed.com or SimplyHired as well as LinkedIn social media platform.


Yep, these alternatives are only good if you want to keep on doing job in other companies in traditional style, which is not bad because most of people are happy for doing that. If you are that one, then for you Monster.com is also a good site as well as other alternatives like Indeed.com, LinkedIn etc.



Best option to achieve the financial freedom

But according to us, we think we need to find out complete alternative of doing jobs in traditional style if we want the financial freedom. Although the sites like Monster.com are descend sites to search for the job, but from our point of view, we never can achieve financial freedom working in other companies. Yep, few can achieve that, but only very few. Most of the people will just end up working for others and making profit for them and getting only little cut of that profit as a salary. We feel doing job is slavery because for that we always need to follow the order of other people to make profit for them. Actually, more than 90% people failed to make satisfied income as well as failed to give enough time for their families, for their enjoyments etc.


We think the best way to earn real money is by following our own passion, the subject of our own interest and make money from that. Now you may be thinking how can that be possible, even if that is possible, that can be very difficult. Nope, it is not, because there are many ways to earn money by following our own passion, but we are more expert in online business field, so we are here only going to talk about how to earn money online by following our own passion, our own subject of interest by creating our own online business. Yep, we know that when people hear the name of online work, most of them run away because in online work industry, the number of legit sites are only around 1%, other all are scams. But, here we are not talking about working online in other companies. Either offline or online, if we work in other companies, then that is doing job for them. So, when we work for other, then sure we need to be ready for consequences. But here, we are talking about creating our own online business, not working in other online work companies so that no one can scam us and we can established full time online income for our lifetime. Actually, there is very big opportunity to make money online, but people fail to get the right platform and end up doing job in other companies when they deserve to have a financial freedom working from home in their own terms by creating their own online business. Every expert online business giants have earned from their own web business, not by working in other online work companies. But, people always get mislead specially from those giant online business persons because they want to remain giant for long time in the industry.



The best platform to learn to create your own online business in very easy way

OK now may be you want to find out now what is the best way to earn money online following our own passion and for that how can we create our own online business. OK, in brief, you can earn money by making a website in your own subject of interest and writing articles/contents related with your that subject of interest. Now, it may be sound difficult for you or too much technical because lots of online business experts are misleading it as a very big deal and very technical stuff so that they can always remain as a big giant in the industry, but in reality it is not difficult, making website is as easy as operating Facebook, or sending emails if you find the right platform. You can do it even without living your current job. But, we are sure that you will leave the current job if you start to earn from your own online business, but HOW? The simple answer is by getting precise training from good platform. Now you may be thinking where can you get such training and for such training don't you need technical knowledge? No, you don't need any technical knowledge than simple basic internet knowledge, such as searching in Google, posting in Facebook, sending emails etc. That's all. You can get such training from the platform like Wealthy Affiliate where they will teach you every steps to create your own website in your own subject of interest and make money out of that. If you want to find out more details on Wealthy Affiliate and what to join it and starting training there, then you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/


Actually, you can join and take 10 basic lessons free of cost and can make two websites free of cost within Wealthy Affiliate. After all, if you can join and take 10 basic lessons free of cost, then why not give it a try if it is available for free. Once you feel you can earn money from it, then you can pay money to take more advance courses and to make your website more professional. But, in order to know how this system work, you can join free of cost, take 10 basic lessons for free and can create 2 websites for free in your own subject of interest by following those lessons. Once again, here is the link of our detail review on Wealthy Affiliate as well as the link to join the training:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/


You can join and find out everything about Wealthy Affiliate free of cost. So, once you find out everything, then you can decide yourself either you want to proceed there or just want to back to your normal routine job or start to search for jobs in sites like Monster.com, that is all upto you. But, if you can try something for free to test the results, why not?


Good Luck!

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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