Online Income News - Legit or Scam Find out - NOI

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Comments: 40
  • #1

    Madhusha (Sunday, 12 October 2014 22:47)

    Thank you very much Suman. Now i got it.
    Thanks a lot for your help.

  • #2

    DeRaj (Thursday, 16 October 2014 08:21)

    You are welcome.
    We are happy to know that you like our service.

  • #3

    Adekune Josiah (Sunday, 08 February 2015 10:38)

    Hello how long does it takes for paidverts to issue ads..

  • #4

    DeRaj (Monday, 09 February 2015 06:02)

    Dear Adekune,
    First of all we like to suggest you to place your respective queries in our respective company's review page in order to get our fast response. You can place the queries about Paidverts in this page from next time:-
    When you 1st join Paidverts, you will get only BAP ads. As soon you accumulate more than 1600 BAP, you will start to get value ads. If you keep on increasing your BAP, then you will get more high value ads.
    But, you will never get any value ads in Saturdays and other festival holidays within Paidverts.

  • #5

    Van (Tuesday, 21 April 2015 01:12)

    I signed up for an account today trafficmonsoon from 13/004/2015 still not received any ads though I do not "timeout". Please help! Thank you!

  • #6

    Deroka - News Online Income (Tuesday, 21 April 2015 09:39)

    Dear Van,
    Traffic Monsoon will send "cash links" anytime through out the day and always send at 0.0 server time. So, it is better to log in your traffic monsoon account at least around (12 am to 1 am), (3 am to 6 am) and 12 pm server time. You can find the server time of traffic monsoon on the top of the left hand side menu of Traffic Monsoon, just above your username. In order to find more detail about Traffic Monsoon, please view our detail review on it by following this link:-

  • #7

    faisal abbas (Tuesday, 09 June 2015 19:48)

    hello guys there no option of westren union in paidverts i cheked it in cashier but did find it in payment method please help me

  • #8

    faisal abbas (Tuesday, 09 June 2015 19:51)

    i did not find western union payment method in paidverts help me

  • #9

    News Online Income (Wednesday, 10 June 2015 15:23)

    Dear Faisal,
    You can use Western Union feature only if you want to cashout or invest more than $250 in Paidverts. You did not find Western Union Payment method listed in Cashier because you have to contact support team of Paidverts by clicking "Contact" on the top and bottom page of Paidverts in order to do transactions using Western Union. They will give you the information in the reply to your support ticket like in whose name send money, in which address send money, when to send money etc.

  • #10

    nandkishore (Saturday, 25 July 2015 22:09)

    sir, in trafficmonsoon, if i purchase cash link, then can i earn profit or not?.....

  • #11

    News Online Income (Tuesday, 28 July 2015 14:47)

    Dear Nandkishore,
    In Traffic Monsoon you will get benefit only from Adpacks purchase, not from cashlinks or credit purchases, those are only for advertisements. For more detail, we suggest you to read our detail review on Traffic Monsoon where we have described in detail about strategy to work in Traffic Monsoon and the way to invest in it.
    You can find our detail review on Traffic Monsoon by following link as below:-

  • #12

    jim (Wednesday, 12 August 2015 01:19)

    The IC3 has recently received complaints from businesses regarding telephone calls from individuals claiming to be with a wire transfer company’s tech support. One complainant reported that the wire transfer company’s name was displayed on their caller ID. The callers instructed the victims to go to a particular website to run an application which allows the caller to remotely access the victim’s computer. Once remote access was established, the victims were instructed to open their wire transfer program and log-in to their accounts, so the callers could update the system. The victims were then told to turn off their monitors, to avoid interference with the update. The victims later discovered the subjects made wire transfers to NetSpend accounts. One victim noticed something downloading onto his computer once the caller gained remote access. This made the victim suspicious, so he turned off his computer. Later, he discovered the caller had loaded $950 on a prepaid credit card from the victim’s account. Another victim reported money transfers were made to various states and individuals, but the caller reassured the victim that no transfers were actually being processed. No other details were provided.

  • #13

    News Online Income (Friday, 14 August 2015 03:04)

    Dear Jim,
    Thanks a lot for providing such a information within our website. It will help other to save themselves from these kind of scam.
    Please feel free to report such kind of scams within our website. We appreciate it a lot.

  • #14

    Ashik Ahmed (Saturday, 17 October 2015 20:32)

    Please say something about Ayuwage & Innocurrent.Please. I like & already works those sites.

  • #15

    News Online Income (Tuesday, 20 October 2015 13:38)

    Dear Ashik,
    Both Ayuwage and Innocurrent are paying from years which make them legit companies. However, don't expect to earn too much amount from these sites. These sites are only useful to earn some pocket money.

  • #16

    Matias D Bentancur (Wednesday, 21 October 2015 00:31)

    hello,I would like to knowif this page is safty? I really wants to start to work from home,thanks so much
    my email address:

  • #17

    News Online Income (Tuesday, 27 October 2015 02:32)

    Dear Matias,
    About which page are you asking about? Please provide us the name of that site, page so that we can provide you some review about that.

  • #18

    zahra (Tuesday, 08 December 2015 04:37)

    Hello dear management's but neobux it's a scam because when they found that iwas making progress at once gave me a message that I made some thing wrong. But after that I have understood that is not an event happened accidently. Because and referral friend told me someth same as me happened to u reply me that's a correct action neobux did to me and other referral even all of them in one day. And all of them count on me

  • #19

    News Online Income (Sunday, 13 December 2015 05:35)

    Dear Zahra,
    We don't know what exactly happen with you and your referrals. You say they send you message that you have done something wrong. But what thing? Can you explain us? Anyway, till date we haven't find anyone's account get blocked or suspended by Neobux without their fault. However, if you can explain us the detail message that Neobux had send you, then we can talk further about it. However, we should not forget the fact that Neobux is online and paying on time without issue form 2008. You can find our detail review on Neobux by following this link:-

  • #20

    aishwarya raj (Thursday, 12 May 2016 03:19)

    hi all
    this is very right place to get news regarding any online earning sites...
    please dont waste ur time with ptc click ads as they will never pay you...

  • #21

    News Online Income (Tuesday, 17 May 2016 06:24)

    Yep Aishwarya, is not a good site. We should stay away from these kind of sites. Thanks for reporting us about "PTC Clicks Ads".

  • #22

    moses (Tuesday, 09 August 2016 12:49)

    hey all, i'am a kenyan, am i allowed to join?

  • #23

    News Online Income (Friday, 19 August 2016 02:23)

    Dear Moses,
    About which website are you talking about? There are many websites in which you can work from Kenya. So, about which website are you asking?

  • #24

    sumit (Sunday, 21 August 2016 11:47)

    Which is date of final decision on site will back or not

  • #25

    News Online Income (Tuesday, 30 August 2016 15:00)

    Dear Sumit,
    About which site are you asking? You didn't mention the name of the site.

  • #26

    Greg Todd (Saturday, 25 February 2017 20:58)

    Are PTC and Revshare sites only useful and profitable, if you have your own product or site or does it not matter in terms of profitability?

  • #27

    News Online Income (Wednesday, 08 March 2017 07:06)

    Dear Greg Todd,
    It is very strange to see your comment because even we haven't listed any revenue sharing sites within our Good and Trusted Online Works section, only have listed very few PTC sites, but also have rated more those companies from where you can earn by selling the products or by making the website in your own subject of interest and so on. So, where did you find the information that we are only promoting PTC sites? Sure, PTC sites are only for extra pocket money. In order to earn real money online, we need to either sell our own products, or need to sell the products of affiliate companies or just need to make website in our own subject of interest and need to drive traffic to that website and convert that traffic into the real money. So, those are the things which we recommend on the top of all. It seems you haven't visited our Good and Trusted Online Works section yet. If that is the case, then you can find our Good and Trusted Online Works page by following this link:-
    Good Luck!

  • #28

    Venkatesh Yesbook (Thursday, 27 April 2017 06:03)

    Really in this Website you providing lot of essential information specially for beginners to choose right company to work & mentioned clearly good & bad and how to analyze it.. The efforts taken to provide informations are very nice. Thanks & hats off you guys.

  • #29

    News Online Income (Wednesday, 03 May 2017 05:45)

    Dear Venkatesh Yesbook,
    Thanks a lot for such a nice feedback for our website. We appreciate it a lot. Thank you.

  • #30

    Justine Ombachi (Monday, 24 July 2017 23:38)

    Please help me to get my earnings of 555$

  • #31

    NewsOnlineIncome (Wednesday, 20 September 2017 03:58)

    What do you mean by help you to get your earnings of $555? Earnings from where? Which company? If you are asking for the legit companies from where you can earn some money, then you can find those by following this link:-

  • #32

    Mr.C (Tuesday, 26 December 2017 20:04)

    November 19, 2017 (No known uSA agent of record or business address.) May this letter/document serve as my notice on and for the record.
    Notice to Principle is notice to Agent, notice to Agent is notice to Principle. I have a number of important tax and legal compliance questions best answered by your U.S. advisor team members.
    Words and Terms Defined:
    a) USI-TECH (hereafter referred to as (USIT)
    b) Legal opinion letter (hereafter referred to as (LOL)
    c) Independent agents, reps or others (hereafter referred to as (IA)
    d) America and all 50 States (hereafter referred to as (uSA)
    Listed Questions:
    (1) Will the benefit of your USIT LOL now being displayed, shown, posted on public web sites and offered as proof of fact, be extended to and include all IA’s in the uSA?
    (2) Is this LOL binding on the signers? If so, how is it binding?
    (3) Can this LOL be assumed to be an admissible legal defense document?
    (4) Should all the U.S. Reps accept and use this (LOL) as their own legal opinion, advice and valid reliance Document?
    (5) Is it your intent for the LOL to appear as a legal advice document when given out to the public?
    (6) USIT public sales presentations are now being given to all new prospective buyers, marketers and investors. It is stated that “no securities are being offered for sale”. “It is not a Ponzi scheme.” Is this a legal fact? Is this confirmed by your references to the USIT LOL?
    (7) The same securities LOL message is expressed throughout the USIT web site, its promotional materials, and most of the You-Tube® presentations on the internet. Is this an approved USIT promotional platform language?
    (8) Will your foreign USIT Corporation and its principles personally guarantee that expert legal and tax counsel will defend any/all claims or charges brought on by any/all U.S. State or Federal regulators or its agencies in the uSA?
    (9) Will the sale, offering and solicitations of your 50 Euro investment package, called the BTC products package line, also be defended in the same manner in the uSA?
    (10) Will tax, legal and securities expert representation be provided when claims are made against any IA in the uSA?
    (11) Will all effective expert representation be provided without expense to the IA in the uSA?
    (12) Your marketing materials publicly state “your legal counsel” has made it clear within your LOL that USIT is not offering any securities. Does this LOL statement include all State and Federal securities in the uSA and include your BTC and Bitcoin investments?
    (13) Do you state USIT is not offering a security even with full knowledge that it clearly conflicts with U.S. case law? (i.e. Standing case laws, such as Swanson vs Commissioner or Anthony Stetkiw vs SEC or even more important, the supreme court case known as The Howey Test…Just to name a few.)
    (14) How about the definition of “INVESTMENT” in U.S. Code Statutes? Do you see this as a problem?
    (15) Is USIT any type of unlicensed money transmitting business?
    (16) SEC Co-Director stated “All ICO’s are a vehicle for fraud and all tokens are securities”. Do you see a problem here? Who wants to be the first uSA SEC test case?
    (17) Will USIT and its principles defend and protect all of its IA’s within the uSA and further hold each harmless from all State and Federal statutes or regulations including licensing requirements? Will you issue all IA’s a Hold Harmless letter?
    (18) If any of your USIT product line is found to be unlawful or a security, will all claims or charges for any unlawful sale be represented without charge or cost to the IA within the uSA?
    (19) If any government regulator gives a NOTICE TO CEASE AND DESIST or worse, brings forth charges for the selling of an Unregistered or Non-LICENSED Securities, will the USIT, its Principles and legal team, guarantee to defend all USIT IA’s and family members against charges or exposure to liability claims INCLUDING loss of personal property to such government agencies?
    (20) Who will collect and pay the required state sales tax (i.e. for the state of Washington)?
    With my entire list of important questions fully answered and these legal material facts made clear, I will be so excited at our next public meeting. I will then feel safe by knowing I, like other IA can legally start promoting all of your non- State and Federal securities products and of course your wonderful USIT Global Company. Thank you, for such a powerful financial concept.
    Thank you so much for your quick response to all my legal, tax and compliance questions.
    Have a wonderful day.
    All rights reserved.

  • #33

    pinkz (Wednesday, 11 July 2018 18:47)

    hello what if you give the details in the scammer your bank account number because you need to withdraw the money you there any possibilities that they can hack your bank account

  • #34

    Paul (Thursday, 19 July 2018 07:43)

    Pls is a scam?

  • #35

    News Online Income (Thursday, 19 July 2018 07:46)

    Dear Mr.C,
    In the reply of your long comment, we want to tell you in short that USI Tech is not a good company and if you want to know why then you can find the details by following this link:-

  • #36

    News Online Income (Thursday, 19 July 2018 07:50)

    Dear Pinkz,
    If you provide your bank details to the scammer, they will definitely try to hack that. So, if you already know that they are the scammer, you better not provide your any bank details or payment processor details to them. Also never ever provide your credit card details or your national ID or passport details to the scammer.

  • #37

    News Online Income (Thursday, 19 July 2018 07:51)

    Dear Paul,
    BitMiner is definitely a scam, stay out of it.

  • #38

    Annie Clothes Scam (Friday, 06 December 2019 22:57)

    This is a HORRIBLE company that has very beautiful photos on their website, but when you finally get the order (it takes an awful long time coming from China), the items are NOT at all what is pictured
    They never returned back my money!

  • #39

    Yasir shah (Friday, 20 December 2019 11:39)

    Age 24 phone number 03074237241

  • #40

    Sherry (Saturday, 04 January 2020 00:06)

    My experience with rollychic products was terrible. Once the boots arrived, both zippers were broken because of the poor packaging and the fact that the boots arrived folded and in a bag not even in a box to protect them. The toes of the boots were bented and crooked. The soles of the boots were bumpy. Plus, the boots took an extremely long time to arrive. Their remedy was to offer me $5 towards the next purchase which will never happen.

  • #41

    * Required fields
Comments: 2 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Madhusha (Saturday, 11 October 2014 09:46)

    Hi Suman, I have a question about Trafficswarm.
    I already signup and created ad in Trafficswarm. And yesterday i surf 50 ads and i got 180 credits. So to my ad i got 173 Views and 7 Clicks. I didn't get what is that mean. What are the Views and Clicks. In Easyhits4u i got equal visits to my site that i surfed. But i didn't understand Trafficswarm procedure. Can you please help me?

  • #2

    DeRaj (Sunday, 12 October 2014 13:57)

    Dear Madhusha, Thanks for contacting us. In traffic swarm, the procedure is different and not so good like in Easyhits4u. But in TrafficSwarm you will earn credits also so easily than in Easyhist4u, but you will lose it also easily. When you assign 180 credits, it show your that ad in text box format same like when it appear while you surfing in Trafficswarm. If someone click that then that is click. So, you must be expert to write to make everyone click your ads, otherwise they will only view it and not click. If happen that, then you will lose your credit. Like in 180 credit, you get only 7 people click, means only 7 people visit your link. It is same like PPC ads or banner ads, if you get more clicks you will get more benefit. So try to write attractive way so that you will get much more people clicks.
    Hope you understand.
    If you still have some more queries, feel free to contact us. We are happy to help you.

Comments: 2 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Abhijeet Jamdar (Monday, 06 October 2014 13:41)

    what abt platina clix this is new ptc site

  • #2

    Rajde (Tuesday, 07 October 2014 16:57)

    Dear Abhijeet,
    Thanks for reporting us about Platinaclix.
    We didn't know about this site before. After your report, we have started our investigation on this site.
    As soon we find the detail information about this site, we will put it either in "Legitimate Work Home Businesses" section if it is legit, OR in "Work Home Scams" section if it is scam.
    Keep on checking our website for latest updates.

Comments: 3 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Chaitanya (Wednesday, 03 September 2014 23:48)

    What about site? Is this site scam or not?

  • #2

    Rajde (Thursday, 04 September 2014 06:49)

    Thanks for reporting us. Till now we have not investigate richgoptr. But, now we will investigate it soon and let you know about it here.

  • #3

    Rajde (Saturday, 06 September 2014 15:07)

    Dear friend,
    We finish our investigation on Richgoptr and add it to scam list. Because like this site is totally scam. There don't have any program who can give $150 to anyone to view one email or to visit one website. You just think, to give that much amount some advertiser need to pay money. So, what is the benefit for the advertiser to show their website to one people and give them $150? This kind of sites are just open to lure people, so beware of them. Never give your information to such kind of company. Any sites you find similar like this, it is better to back off, because such kind of concept never exists in real world.

Comments: 2 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Hilda (Thursday, 28 August 2014 10:18)

    The information provided here, especially that one related to home jobs is really valuable. Way to go!

  • #2

    Rajde (Thursday, 28 August 2014 13:38)

    Thanks a lot for liking our website content related with work home jobs.

Comments: 43 (Discussion closed)
  • #1

    Rima (Wednesday, 09 April 2014 06:27)

    I would like to know that cashtasks is Legit or Scam?

  • #2

    Joseph (Wednesday, 09 April 2014 06:29)

    Dear Admin,
    Can you please give me the information about Nerdbux? It seems now a days I'm having problem to log into it.

  • #3

    newsonlineincome (Wednesday, 09 April 2014 06:34)

    Danganyy- Thanks for liking our site
    Rima - We have already list Cashtasks in Scam list, You can see it in our Scam Websites Section.
    Joseph - Nerdbux already turn to be scam, and like you, many other account also has been deleted, now it is like a mad site, they don't response after they delete the account, and even they back your account , it's no use coz you can not cashout from there, Nerdbux has already turn to be scam and we have already list it in our scam list

  • #4

    Online Marketer (Tuesday, 22 April 2014 14:33)

    Earn $20-$150 daily check ouy (link is removed)

  • #5

    newsonlineincome (Tuesday, 22 April 2014 14:37)

    Online Marketer: We have remove the link from your comment coz that is not allowed in our website without our approval.

  • #6

    BADRA (Friday, 02 May 2014 15:45)

    Ultimateclixx is a scam

  • #7

    newsonlineincome (Saturday, 03 May 2014 07:11)

    Attn: BADRA:
    We are still testing the Ultimateclix. Till now we have find that the site is in Beta, owner is MOHAMMAD FARAJALLA of Palestine. And there are lots of complain about account getting suspended. And we have also find that some members are complaining about payment problems. But still now we can't tell it as a scam. We need to wait and see they will resolve their problem or not.
    And by the way what make you call it scam? Can you share your detail experience in Ultimateclix?

  • #8

    BADRA (Sunday, 04 May 2014 12:57)

    He told me that I have two accounts thing that is not true
    This is an argument to cancel my registration
    this is not serious

  • #9

    newsonlineincome (Sunday, 04 May 2014 15:51)

    To BADRA:
    Oh that is so bad. If you real don't have two accounts and they just don't listen you means they are not so serious towards their members, which is not good sign. Have you try to send them support ticket and explain in detail? Did you try to post in their forum about it? Let us know how they reply you.

  • #10

    rohit (Tuesday, 13 May 2014 14:25)

    well i work full time on ptc + i am a java programmer so make websites and many more anyways
    sir i want to know that
    1. whether ojooo will resolve their issue or not related to payment ? 2. choosay is legit or not ? 3. why neobux has stopped RR's these days they are not even clicking fast ? 4. SFI is really good but need so much of time spending any shortcuts ? 5. sir i have a doubt on (pro/zap/fuse)three sisters well probux right now has made me rich but fuse/zap will be good in future or not suggest me please ? anyways i am not here to upset users but truth is truth we never know these INTERNETPEOPLE will when scam with common peole thanks and regards rohit india keep smile an very nice website you have to aware people good bye

  • #11

    Chin (Tuesday, 13 May 2014 23:37)

    Has anyone any info/experience on this site?A month or so, Admin said the site taken over by new management. Recently, I can't login ( 1 week back) as if everything was reset. Contacted them, they can;t do anything. Advised me to "Resend Password." No message returned to my email after trying that. Sent another ticket to them and asked for help yesterday. Still no reply.

  • #12

    MS (Wednesday, 14 May 2014 00:12)

    Very nice site and info you provide, and it is much appreciated, NOI. I'm curious to know if you have any thoughts/opinions on the PTC sites (I'm thinking scam) and also (maybe legit?) cheers

  • #13

    drewgida (Wednesday, 14 May 2014 11:14)

    What are you basing your conclusions about scam sites on? There is no info as to why you think they are scams or not scams.

  • #14

    suresh kumar (Thursday, 15 May 2014 05:58)

    more ptc sites have pending request for withdraw more day,month,years not known for time clear

  • #15

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 15 May 2014 13:56)

    Attn: Rohit
    1. whether ojooo will resolve their issue or not related to payment ?
    ---Ojooo is one branch of big organization, so we think it may be solve the problem to keep their reputation. And we have notice that they are paying even high withdrawals request like 500 USD in 24 hours. But we must say that their management is so bad that some members are getting payment in 24 hour and some are even not getting for more than 3 months. If this kind of management continue then one day it will collapse not as scam but as failure site. So we recommended everyone to work as free user until Ojooo resolve this problem. Coz as free user there is not risk to loose investment. 2. choosay is legit or not ?
    ---Till now we find more bad things than good things about It is a Russian site using the ClixScrpt. Whois of this website is hidden which means owner don't want to find the details about website. Paypal account is very new and belong to person name "Dmitry". They are putting too many high rate self-sponsored ads which has already lead many PTC websites to be failed. We have notice many errors on the site which means Host is very poor. 3. why neobux has stopped RR's these days they are not even clicking fast ?
    ---RR is depend on your luck. RR are the people who join directly to the website, but no one can gurantee anyone work how long time, coz it depend upon people's mood and time. So sometime if have bad luck, you will get bad RR. Anyway Neobux is still number 1 PTC and totally establish site. 4. SFI is really good but need so much of time spending any shortcuts ?
    ---SFI concept is not made for shortcut. It is totally genuine Online Work which need time to earn money, but when u earn, you will earn good and this company will long last. 5. sir i have a doubt on (pro/zap/fuse)three sisters well probux right now has made me rich but fuse/zap will be good in future or not suggest me please ?
    ---1st of all Zap and Fuse are not the sister site of Probux. I think you get this information by seeing someone's ad, but they just put it so that they can have lots of DR. It is not sister site. And about probux, you can see comment in our New Online Work Section. About Zapbux and Fusebux, we think it is from the same owner who have Tapbux or Iconbux, but still we are searching solid proof for it. They have put fake address in whois. So if someone put fake address, sure they want to turn into scam sooner or later

  • #16

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 15 May 2014 13:59)

    Attn: Chin
    You forget to mention the name of site. So can you kindly tell us about which site are you talking about?

  • #17

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 15 May 2014 14:17)

    Attn: MS
    Ya is 100% scam and we already put it in our Scam list. It is from the same owner of GrayBux, ShotBux, MazBux, NeatBux (all of them are scams website)
    And about PTCcircle, you can check the upgrade page. It is a forced investment site. We can't declare it as scam site but we don't recommend anyone to work in force investment sites coz all of previous force investment sites has been already turn to be scam. Unsustainable Policy.

  • #18

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 15 May 2014 14:30)

    Attn: drewgida
    We have give the reasons for some sites to be scam in our facebook. Check Scam Sites Section in our facebook page. Ya we didn't provide the information for all scam websites coz reasons to be scam is similar to all of them. And there are lots of scam websites, so for us it is impossible to write the reasons for each websites to be scam. But the basic criteria to declare website as scams are:
    1. The website's owner previous scam records.
    2. Payment processors are verified and old or not
    3. Website information and address are hidden or not
    4. Address they provided is match with their IP location or not
    5. Website informations are reliable or somewhat fake or not
    6. Business module they proposed has previous failure record or not
    7. Business module is sustainable or not (like they are giving 0.1 per click to members but the taking 0.01 from advertisers---totally scam program)
    8. They are forcing you to invest to cashout or not
    9. They are asking more details information of each member or not
    10. Script of website is from Geniune Company or not
    11. If it is new script then that is hacked from some establish company or not

  • #19

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 15 May 2014 14:35)

    Attn: suresh kumar
    Ya there are 90% scams PTC sites, only 10% of them are legit, in which also 5% of them only sustain long last. This is the reason why we have open this website, to give the correct information of each online works so that people will be aware of scams. We will do our best as far as we can

  • #20

    Rita Janssen (Thursday, 15 May 2014 14:37)

    They've paid me!
    http://...Sorry .... Link is removed

  • #21

    Oleh (Friday, 23 May 2014 16:03)

    It's already-SCAM! First payment was O.K. Today I just couldn't enter to my account-"invalid user name" .No forum there anymore,no help either.

  • #22

    Chin (Friday, 23 May 2014 23:00)

    The website was filled when I sent. Oops I forgot to type in this text entry space. The name is : Gladbux
    Thanks for replying, all you friends.

  • #23

    Chin (Friday, 23 May 2014 23:17)

    Agreed that Probux should not be put under Legit. My experience as free member:
    When RRs almost touched max 200; my daily earnings $1.20-1.50 dropped drastically down to 20 cents within 2 weeks. Can't believe this! This means , I noticed certain batches of RR were stopped to record click earnings. This week , I tried to re-cycle even those above average 1.5 ,already extended for 60 days and beyond, if more than 7-9 days without click.This means increasing costs as extending and re-cycle eat up my earnings more.Will the returns pay back to recover the increased cost? Time and other members' experience only can tell.

  • #24

    newsonlineincome (Monday, 26 May 2014 08:10)

    Attn: Oleh
    About which website are you talking about? Can you give the website name?

  • #25

    newsonlineincome (Monday, 26 May 2014 08:13)

    Attn: Chin
    Gladbux is SCAM and we have already put it in our scam list.

  • #26

    joelagar (Tuesday, 27 May 2014 01:19)

    ATT Chin probux is very very honest, you need recicle your refferals.

  • #27

    el13apostol (Friday, 30 May 2014 22:22)

    Noulinx desaparecio, alguien sabe algo?

  • #28

    newsonlineincome (Monday, 02 June 2014 03:59)

    Attn: el13apostol
    We reply only English posts. But we see that you have ask something about noulinx, if so then we have already put it in scam list and before put it in scam list, we have already warn everyone that it will turn scam one day.

  • #29

    el13apostol (Monday, 02 June 2014 22:36)

    Ok, thanks for the info

  • #30

    Mandy (Tuesday, 24 June 2014 03:20)

    Thanks for such a great site. It help me lot to work online securely. Can you please provide me your direct contact, so that I can talk privately?

  • #31

    el13apostol (Tuesday, 24 June 2014 18:42)

    What can you say me about click4freaks?

  • #32

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 26 June 2014 02:15)

    Attn: Mandy
    Thanks. You can contact us privately using our "contact us" section. After you contact us from there, we can provide you our member's private email also if you want.

  • #33

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 26 June 2014 02:19)

    Attn: el13apostol
    We have already put Clikz4freakz in our Scam/Failed sites section. You can search it there.
    Before we move it to Scam sites section, we have already warn people to work only as free user coz of their frequent paypal account limitation.
    You can read further details about Clikz4freakz in "Clikit" post at our "New Online Works" Section, No. 21.

  • #34

    el13apostol (Thursday, 26 June 2014 16:34)

    Ok thank's

  • #35

    margi (Wednesday, 02 July 2014 21:05)

    I want toknow if they pay! Thank you!

  • #36

    newsonlineincome (Thursday, 03 July 2014 02:41)

    Attn: Margi
    You have not mention the name of the website in comment section. But also we get link of attached with your name. So may be you are asking about
    We have already put in our Scam/Failed sites list. So that means they will not pay. Hope you get your answer.

  • #37

    anil (Tuesday, 08 July 2014 14:27)

    hi i want to know zapbux site is good for investment

  • #38

    newsonlineincome (Wednesday, 09 July 2014 11:42)

    Attn: Anil
    We are still investigating on zapbux, but we think it is not best idea to invest in zapbux coz it seems to have some connection with previous scam sites. But still we can not confirm it coz we are still investing on it, so we suggest you to work in zapbux only as a free user.

  • #39

    Yousef (Thursday, 31 July 2014 04:36)

    I want to know more about When I try to book hotel, I need to fill the credit card details. So do you think is it safe to provide credit card details in I've notice that lot of hotel rates are very low in than we book it directly. And it has almost all hotel around the world. Is it real?

  • #40

    newsonlineincome (Saturday, 02 August 2014 05:36)

    Attn: Yousef is 100% Legit, you no need to worry about anythings at Ya it is safe to provide information to The price quoted in is all real. The concept of is to give you the best price for the same hotel. So you will get low price if you book the same hotel using

  • #41

    syed adnan (Tuesday, 05 August 2014 05:13)

    This used to be my most favorite site . but for last few weeks its behaving
    like a scam . What is the Story sir.

  • #42

    syed adnan (Tuesday, 05 August 2014 05:20)

    I forget to add the name . Its our dear old pro bux.
    one of my freind who also is my direct ref. in probux have already lost
    $ 150.00 and i have shelf my plan of building RR 2000 base in

  • #43

    newsonlineincome (Wednesday, 06 August 2014 20:34)

    Attn: Syed Adnan
    As you can see that prboux is already more than 1 year, but also we have not put it in our Legit Online Work List. Still it is in our New Online Work List, and we have already give the reason for it. So please read the comment about probux in our New Online Work Section. And we never recommended anyone to invest in probux until we move it to the Legit List. So, currently it is better to work only as a free user in probux.

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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