What is KairosPlanet? Is Kairos Planet a Scam or a Legit?
Is Kairos Planet scam or legit? Is Kairos Technologies scam or legit? Are you searching for the Kairos Planet reviews in order to find out these answers? If so, then you are absolutely in the right place, because here, within our Kairos Planet review, we have provided the complete truth about Kairos Planet, both pros and cons such as, about KairosPlanet complaints, about Kairos Planet compensation plan, about background of Kairos Planet company, reasons for having lots of negative KairosPlanet reviews and so on, over all about what is Kairos Planet and what is Kairos Technologies. Before we begin with our Kairos Planet review in detail, we want to make it clear that we are not recommending this company and have listed it within our Not Recommended sites list due to the business model of Kairos Planet as well as due to the background of the company and the legal issues with company. If this much information on Kairos Planet is enough for you and now if you don't want to find out more details on Kairos Planet, but instead want to take a look at our recommended online work companies list, then you can find those by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
Among those recommended online work companies, we have listed Wealthy Affiliate as a top online work company and if you are interested to find out more details on Wealthy Affiliate, then you can find that by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/
OK, let's begin with our Kairos Planet review in detail as below and let's find out what is kairosplanet.com.
Kairos Planet Login and Join in link:- https://kairosplanet.com/ (Not recommended to join)
Background of Kairos Planet
Kairos Planet was operated by Kairos Technologies, the website domain kairosplanet.com was registered in 2014-06-18. So, It is also known as Kairos Technologies Limited. We have found form some reviews that Miguel Luis Viera is the president and the primary share holder of Kairos Technologies Limited. But, there is not any information on the Kairos Technologies website about its owner. However, as they have mentioned in their marketing video, Janni Cavassini is the CEO of the company. But, when we take a look at the LinkedIn profile of Cavassini, we found that he mentioned him as a head of investments at Kairos Technologies. Why he didn't mention he is the CEO of Kairos Planet in his LikedIn profile, that is unclear. As per LikedIn profile, Cavassini is from Dubai, UAE. So, may be Kairos Technologies is being operating form Dubai, but it is not clear. So, we take a look at the WHOIS detail and found out that they have mentioned that they are from 61 Pared Street, London W2 1NS, United Kingdom. But, when we try to find out the more detail about this address, we found out that multiple businesses is using the same address. So, that makes it clear that this address is nothing more than the rental mailing address. They also have provided their US representative office address in their Kairos Technologies website, however that address belongs to iCorporate. So, this is already enough to say that Kairos Technologies is not mentioning the real owner name and their real address which is one of the bad points for any kind of online work companies. None of the legit sites need to hide their owner details.
Some of the promoters of Kairos Planet/Kairos Technologies were already arrested in Belarus and there has been warnings issued in Lithuania and Slovakia against Kairos Planet, which already proves that their business model is not legal and they can face much more charges from many countries in later days. We have also found that Turkey and Estonia are also investigating on Kairos Planet. Actually like these, there are lots of issues and complaints that you can find about Kairos Planet which we don't think necessary to include here because what we have mentioned here is already enough to make it clear that their business background is not good.
Kairos Planet is a MLM (Multi Level Marketing) program without any worthy retail products, but just with a different plans of membership for different volume of rent space which you have to provide to Kairos Planet to rent your computer space to them and for that you need to pay them certain about of money according to the rent space that you want to rent to them which are categorized as different membership plans and in return of that you will earn back 250% of the amount of your investment. For more details on Kairos Planet compensation plan, please view our "How to earn money form Kairos Planet" caption as below.
How to earn money from Kairos Planet? - Not recommended, very risky
Aforementioned, it is clear that we don't recommend anyone to join and work with Kairos Planet due to the level of risk involve to work in this site. However, if you still want to find out what this site offers its members to earn money out of it, then following are the details:-
In order to join and work with Kairos Planet, first of all you have to purchase its membership which costs from $125 to $2777 according to the space of computer that members can rent to them. There are different types of products that members can get with different kinds of membership, such as, Standard membership which costs $125 is bundle with 15 GB rent space plus Kairos Mail as a product, Silver membership which costs $597 is bundle with 70 GB rent space plus Kairos Mail & Kairos Disk as a product, Gold membership which costs $1577 is bundle with 180 rent space plus Kairos Mail, Kairos Disk & Kairos Surf as a product and Platinum membership which costs $2777 is bundle with 320 GB rent space plus Kairos Mail, Kairos Disk, Kairos Surf & Kairos Phone.
Hold on, don't you think they should pay you for providing your computer space to rent them instead of you? Don't you think services like mailing are freely available? Don't you think $2777 is very costly to pay for products like Mail, Disk, Surf, Phone etc and on top of that provide them to rent upto 320 GB of your own computer space?
Actually genuine don't ask you money to rent your computer space. Actually, renowned cloud storage providers are selling 1 GB of storage for 3 cents or less per month and they just make their own space available, never rent from other. So, why here we need to pay to give our own space to rent them, so what is the benefit for us or for them? They say they will pay us back 250% of our investment amount. OK, now don't you smell Ponzi scheme here? Because when we purchase their Standard plan, we need to provide them 15 GB of our computer space and then need to pay them $125 and then we will get Kairos mail as a product which is freely available service. So, why even we need pay that $125, for what? We are providing them our computer space on rent, then they should accept that free of cost or even need to pay us money for that. OK, they claim that if we invest $125, they will back us 250% ROI, but why they need to do that?Instead why we can't provide them our computer space and they pay us money. It is because whatever they are claiming, in reality that is not happening. Actually, hackers have already decompiled the Kairos clients modules and they did not find that the clients created a distributed cloud storage, means there does not seem to be any cloud storage from member's device. So, that proves they are lying about their business model. So, what is the reality? It is just a Ponzi Scheme where members pay certain amount as a membership fee and they pay back 250% ROI in total to that member from the investment made by new members. So, like these companies can pay at starting, but more days past, there will be more debt in their business and either they will stop paying or completely shutdown their site.
They are also providing referral commission on 3 level, means more burden to the system which doesn't creating any real profit which results company to be in debt more soon. As per their referral program, depending upon the rank of the members, they can earn 15% on the purchase amount of their level 1 referrals, means the referrals which they have directly recruited, 10% on the purchase amount of level 2 referrals, means the referrals of their level 1 referrals and 3% to 30% on the purchase amount of their level 3 referrals, means referrals of their level 2 referrals.
Aforementioned, you can find that the owner details and that address of Kairos Planet is not clear, there has been warning issued already against Kairos Planet in Lithuania and Slovakia and even some of their promoters has been already arrested in Belarus. The products and business model of Kairos Planet doesn't seem to be real and it seems to be similar to Ponzi scheme. So, we don’t recommend you to join and invest in Kairos Planet or in any companies related with Kairos Technologies. Now, if you want to find out what kind of companies we recommend, then you can find the list of our recommended online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
Among those recommended online work companies, Wealthy Affiliate is our No.1 recommendation. For detail review on Wealthy Affiliate, please click this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/
NOTE (Updated on 15, February 2017):- Lately, we have found lots of complaints from the members of KairosPlanet that they are not receiving payments from Kairos Planet, so it seems that the company has already turned into scam like we have predicted and mentioned in our KairosPlanet.com review as above.
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