What is a AdPackPro? AdPack Pro Review - NOI

What is a AdPackPro? AdPack Pro Review

Note Updated on 2 March 2017:- We have found from our own experience that the support team of AdPackPro is very irresponsible. We didn't get any answer from support about our email even after 3 months. The site script also seems to have problem because most of the time when we surf ads within AdPackPro, the captcha always doesn't work properly which hasn't been fixed yet from very long time. So, we should doubt on those companies which are not responsible towards their client needs. On top of that, we didn't find any additional income source which is making good profit within AdPackPro other than the advertising revenue which is not enough to make this system sustainable because from the failure of giant advertising revenue sharing sites MyPayingAds, My24HourIncome and so on, it is now clear that advertising revenue sharing sites can't be sustain only from advertising revenues if they don't have other back up income source and in the case of AdPackPro, we didn't find any other fruitful additional income source. Yep, they have other businesses as well about which we have mentioned in our previous review on AdPackPro as below, but it doesn't seem those businesses are any popular or making any good profits. However, if team of AdPackPro can clear this doubt, then they are welcome to use the comment section as below and if we become clear, we are ready to move it back to our Promising Online Works section. Otherwise, till that time, we are listing it within our Not Recommended section.

Following is our previous review on AdPackPro.

Is Ad Pack Pro a scam or a legit? If you are searching for the AdPackPro reviews in order to find out what is AdPackPro, either is Ad Pack Pro scam or legit, then your search ends here because within our AdPackPro review, you can find the complete truth about the Ad Pack Pro, both pros and cons, such as, about AdPackPro complaints, about AdPackPro scam claims, about AdPackPro company background and so on, overall about what is Ad Pack Pro. Actually we have listed AdPackPro within our Promising Online Works section and the reason for that you can find in details within our AdPackPro International review as below. Before we begin with our Ad Pack Pro International review, if you want to take a look at our recommended list of online work companies, then you can find those within our "Good and Trusted Online Works" section by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

Among those recommend online work companies, Wealthy Affiliate is our No.1 recommendation about which you can find details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

Ok, let’s begin with our Ad Pack Pro review as below in order to find out what is AdPack Pro.

AdPackPro login and join in links according to the language:-

1. International Version (English Version):- http:// adpackpro-international. com/

2. German Language Version:- http:// adpackpro. com/

Not Recommended to join from our side.

AdPackPro International review, AdPackPro review, Is Ad Pack Pro Scam or Legit?

Background of Ad Pack Pro International, What is AdPackPro International?

As per the company claims, CEO of Ad Pack Pro is Peter Müller and the company was launched in 2015 where as their international version, domain, http://adpackpro-international.com/, was registered in 2016-03-11. They have provided the address of the company belong to Switzerland, but after our research, it seems they are using rental address because many other companies are using same address, but we are not from Switzerland and we are not sure about it. Further more, when we check WHOIS details, there is not any information about the owner. So, we try to do more research on Peter Müller and find out that he has record of involving in politics. Peter H. Müller use to be the Basel-based district councilor, but he has been targeted by prosecution. If you don't know where is Basel, then it is a city in northwestern Switzerland. The Basel-based prosecutor’s office has opened proceedings against him for violating official secrecy. But later on, the Office concluded that the allegations he has been charged are not sufficiently severe. The Office does not therefore have to assess whether Müller has actually committed an amnesic violation, but whether or not he has done what is possibly justified, justifies a waiver of immunity. So, it seems it may be not the fault of Peter Müller. Anyway, in politics such kind of things are normal, but the good point here is that he use to be councilor which means he is a reputed person.

AdPackPro is actually a part of OneVision Holding AG, which offers several services from various platform like Jopboosterpro Series, Internet Academy Europe, AdpackProbooster Series, Onevision APP, etc.

The Ad Pack Pro is a revenue sharing advertising platform which offers their AdPack services from where members can get advertisement benefits as well as can earn back 120% of their AdPack purchase amount. Means, when you purchase AdPack with cost 25 Euro, then you will earn back 30 Euro in total.

How to earn money from Ad Pack Pro International?

It is free to join AdPackPro, but in order to earn money from this company, you need to purchase AdPacks or refer other to do so. When you purchase AdPack worth 25 Euro, you will earn back 30 Euro in total, but the time frame to earn back total ROI is not fixed because they will share revenue only if they can make real profit, otherwise they won't. However, if you purchase AdPacks, at least you will get advertisement benefits instantly to advertise your product, website, referral links, etc.

The amount of AdPacks you can purchase depends upon your membership level. You can purchase only 10 AdPacks as a free member. If you want to purchase more than that, you have to upgrade your membership level. They have different level of membership starting from 39 Euro for Basic membership to 999 Euro for Hero membership. Once you upgrade, you can purchase more AdPacks according to your membership levels, such as upto 50 AdPacks from a basic membership upgrade. Maximum amount of AdPacks you can purchase is 3000 AdPacks and for that you need to upgrade to Hero membership level by paying 999 Euro.

You can also earn commission by referring people to join and purchase advertising services of AdPackPro. As a free member, you will earn 11% commission when your level 1 referral purchase the advertisement service of AdPackPro. However, if you upgrade to basic membership, then you can earn 11% from level 1 referrals and 7% from level 2 referrals (level 2 referrals means the referrals of your level 1 referrals and the level 1 referrals means those people whom you will personally recruit). However, you must click 10 company supplied ads every 24 hours to qualify to earn from AdPacks.

For more details on membership level and referral commission, please refer to the screenshot as below.

Ad Pack Pro International Review, AdPackPro Compensation Plan, AdPackPro AdPacks earning details


Aforementioned, AdPackPro is revenue sharing advertisement company, so it is risky business model in itself. But, till date it is paying on time and background of owner seems impressive. AdPackPro is a part of OneVision Holding AG which offers other many kind of services and platforms, so if in the future they won't able to make enough profit to pay their members in AdPackPro, at least they have back up income from other services which may help them to sustain in difficult situation, but that depends upon the amount of sales and the popularity of their other services. So, considering both pros and cons, we have listed it within our Promising Online Works section. However, still that doesn't mean this company is risk free. There is always risk involve to work with revenue sharing company because as per their TOS, they will share revenue only when they make the real profit. If they can't make the profit, then they will stop paying revenue and you will earn nothing from the AdPacks and they have clearly mentioned about this in their "note of risk" which you need to agree before you sign up with company. You can find the screenshot of that as below.

AdPack Pro International Review, Note on Risk and TOS of AdPackPro International

However, at least this company is showing their members clearly about the risk involve to work with their company which is a good thing and which also shows their honesty towards their members. But, since now you know there is a risk involve to work in these kind of companies, so, we always suggest you never risk the amount more than you can afford to lose in these kind of companies. However, final decision is completely yours. But, if you are looking for the platform where there is not any risk and from where you can establish full time online career for your lifetime and earn on regular basis, then you should join our No.1 recommended company known as Wealthy Affiliate about which you can find details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

If you want to take a look at our full list of recommended companies, then you can find those by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

After reading our review, if you want to join AdPackPro, then you can join at your own risk, but we don't recommend it.

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We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you.

Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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