DSDomination Review, Is DS Domination Scam? - NOI

DSDomination Review, Is DS Domination Scam or Legit?

We don't recommend anyone to work in DS Domination. That is why we have listed DSDomination within our "Not Recommended" sites list. It is very hard to earn from DSDomination either by following their courses or from their affiliate (Multi-Level Marketing) program. Ok, let's find out what is DS Domination in real through our DS Domination review as below.

Background of DSDomination

The owner of DS Domination are Roger Langille, Kevin Hokoana, and Hitesh Juneja. Roger is the one who has earned lots of money by following Drop Shipping method and through DSDoimination he offers the courses from his experiences about "Drop Shipping". However, Drop Shipping is very risky platform and it doesn't work for everybody like it work for Roger. Even there are many people who have lose money instead of earning and even suffer from legal issues by following Drop Shopping method.

DSDomination claims you that you will earn very good income by following their courses, but in the reality more than 95% members had already failed to earn from it and instead they lose lots of money which require to work as guided by courses and as well as the money which they use to purchase the course packages which are very expensive (pro is $19.95 per month, Elite is $99 per month, Unleashed is $249 one time and Monopoly is $499 one time)

DSdomination Review, Is DSDomination a Scam or a Legit? What is DSDomination?

DS Domination login and join in link:- http:// dsdomination. com/

What is DSDomination.com? Is DSDomination a Scam or a Legit?

We can't say DS Domination is scam company. However, we don't recommend anyone to work in this company. That is why we have list DS Domination in our "Not Recommended" list.

DS Domination is paying to their members on time, that is why we can't declare it as scam. However, it is very hard to earn from DSDomination.com either by following their courses or from their affiliate promotion (Multi-Level Marketing) side of program because you will only earn when your affiliates purchase the product of DS Domination and that product of DSDomination is the course which teaches you the idea which have many risks and consequences. So, you can earn from affiliates only if you can scam your affiliates to purchase risky product of DS Domination.

It is more bad idea if you decide to earn by following courses of DSDomination instead of making affiliates because as we have mentioned before, the course which DSDomination offers is very risky to follow. Actually those courses offer lessons about Drop shipping. There are many drawbacks and risk involve in drop shipping business even you do it correctly. More than that, DS Domination teaches you about the drop shipping method to apply in Ebay and Amazon which added more risks and legal issues.

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The reasons why we say that courses offer by DSDomination have lots of risk

As we mention before, DS Domination offers the courses related with Drop Shipping which have following risks:-

1. Drop Shipping is the process of selling products of other people to your buyers. For this you have to buy the products from other people in low price and then need to add price in the products in order to sell to your buyers. It is something like you buy products from wholesalers and sell it in retail price to your buyers. But the DS Domination teaches you very risky way of Drop Shipping. It teaches you to list the items in Ebay at high price which you can find in low price at Amazon. So, it is already a illegal way of earning money either online or offline because it is cheating people by selling cheap items in high price and more than that Ebay and Amazon can cancel your account if they find out that you are selling products from 3rd party about which you are only taking commissions in the middle.

2. There are the fees involve to list the products within Ebay. So, you have to invest money to list the product which is not belong to you and you can't make money unless you sell that product.

3. Sometime it may have chance that when your items get sold in Ebay, that time same item in Amazon may be out of stock due to which you will not able to deliver that item to your client due to which you may have to face PayPal's dispute which may lead your account suspension in Ebay and Paypal for your lifetime.

4. In order to avoid the risk as we mention in No.3, there is another way of listing items in Ebay. That is buying items from Amazon first of all. But this way is also very risky as you need to purchase items first and you never know when you can sell those items and even can you sell or not.

5. If everything happen in the way as you plan, then also at last your client will give you bad remarks as he/she will receive items within box of Amazon while he/she buy it from Ebay. Your client will get more angry when he/she check the price of that item in Amazon.

6. Unsatisfied client can back your items. Now this is the big trouble. As per Ebay terms and conditions, clients can back the items and if that happen many times, then your account in Ebay will be suspended permanently and you can never open another account with your name in Ebay. More than that, even it is too much trouble when your client back the items because the same item you have to back again to Amazon and there is very high chance of getting your items back when client find the box is from Amazon and check the price of items in Amazon. He/She can simply give the reason to back it because it is from Amazon and he feel cheated, but when you want to back your item to Amazon, what explanation you can give there and remember you have to give this explanation more than one time which may lead to suspend your account in Amazon as buyer as well.

7. If everything work well by following DSDomination.com courses, then also there will be lot of competition between member of DSDomination due to which each of member will start to lower their prices in order to sell the items which may lead to 0% profit as well as sometime loss.

The reasons why we say that MLM side of DSDomination is almost Scam

As per MLM program of DSDominaton.com, you will earn commission from your affiliates when your affiliates purchase the course packages of DSDomination. As we mention above, the courses of DSDomination has too much risk to follow. So, you can only earn from MLM program of DSDomination when you can sell crappy product of DS Domination to your affiliates, means by scamming your affiliates. Ya, DSDomination will pay you if you earn commissions from MLM program of DSDomination. But, in order to earn from MLM side of DSDomination, you have to scam other people and force them to buy the crappy product of DS Domination.

Conclusion about DS Domination

As we mention above, you can find that both courses and MLM side of DSDomination is not worthy to follow. So, we don't recommend you to work in DS Domination.

There is already one very good program which offers the real genuine courses from which you can learn the every aspect of real online work to earn real online income. You can find the detail review of this No. 1 Online Work Company by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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