What is Richmond Berks? Is Richmond Berks Scam? - NOI

What is Richmond Berks? Is Richmond Berks Scam or Legit?

Is Richmond Berks a scam or a legit? Are you searching for the Richmond Berks reviews in order to find out what is RichmondBerks, either is Richmond Berks legit or scam? If so, then you are absolutely in the right place because here, within our Richmond Berks review, we have provided the complete truth about Richmond Berks, both its pros and cons, such as, background of the Richmond Berks, Richmond Berks compensation plan, Richmond Berks complaints, reasons for having lots of negative RichmondBerks reviews, RichmondBerks scam claims and so on, overall about what is RichmondBerks.com. In short, we want to make it clear that we don’t recommend Richmond Berks because the information about the owner of Richmond Berks is not clear and their business model is also not sustainable. Well, if this short glance on Richmond Berks is enough for you and now instead of finding out more details on Richmond Berks, you want to find out the real opportunity to make money online, then you can find our list of recommended online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

Among those recommended online work companies, we have rated Wealthy Affiliate as the top most online work company and if you are interest to find out more details on Wealthy Affiliate, you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

OK, now let's begin with our RichmondBerks review as below to find out what is RichmondBerks.com.

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What is Richmond Berks? Richmond Berks is scam or legit? Richmond Berks review.

Richmond Berks Login and Join in link:- https://richmondberks.com (Not recommended to join)

Background of Richmond Berks. What is Richmond Berks?

As per the company claims, the owners of RichmondBerks are John Richmond and Klint Berks, but they have not provided any detailed biographies of these owners in their website. The detail about the owners are also hidden within WHOIS data. When we tried to do further research, we didn’t find any other information about John Richmond or Klint Berks anywhere online. However, they claim that they are in business from 2008 and later they have registered their website known as richmondberks.com at 29 Sep, 2016. OK, the website registration date is correct because we can verify that from WHOIS detail, but if they were really in business from 2008, then there should be some information available on them prior to the launch date of Richmond Berks, 29 Sep, 2016., but there is not any other information about them prior to the launching of Richmond Berks. So, this is highly suspicious and raises the question of whether they are real owner of Richmond Berks or not or even these individuals actually exist or not. There is also not any information available about the sixteen employees which they have listed in their website. You can also find the lists of recently purchased objects as the real-estate properties worth millions of dollars in their website. But, from our research, we found that some reviews claim those pictures that they have used to show as the purchased objects are actually the pictures taken form third party sources. More than that, they have not provided any proof that they have really purchased any of those listed properties or not.

On top of that, Richmond Berks is registered with UK Companies House Incorporation which is not a big deal because anyone who can afford to pay 20 GBP can easily register company there, and many failed MLM sites have already registered there. More than that they claim Richmond Berks is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) under the Investment Advisers act. But, if you search on SEC’s Edgar database, you can’t find any listing in the name of “Richmond Berks” or “RichmondBerks”, so we don't know how they can claim that they are registered with SEC.

Richmond Berks is a website which claims to invest millions of dollars in real-estate and generate a ROI of 1.5% a day to pay back to their members who invest in RichmondBerks. But, you need to think, why any legit company which can invest millions of dollars in real estate and can generate 1.5% ROI a day will waste their time and effort in virtual currency and affiliate program like RichmondBerks? Actually we can't find any verifiable source of revenue that Richmond Berks is generating other than the investment from the affiliates which seems to be using to pay ROI of existing affiliates, almost like a Ponzi Scheme.

How to earn money from Richmond Berks? - Very risky, not recommended

Aforementioned, there is not any verifiable source of revenue that RichmondBerks has provided with proofs to prove that they are generating enough revenue to pay back 1.5% ROI daily. The only verifiable source of income is the investments made by affiliates which seems to be using to pay the ROI of existing affiliates and that makes its business model similar to Ponzi Scheme. So, these kind of companies even if pays at starting, they will soon stop paying in the future and many members will lose their money. So, we simply don't recommend these kind of companies. However, if you still want to know what Richmond Berks offers to make money from their company, then you can find the details as below.

You can join Richmond Berks free of cost, but you have to invest money in their so called “Richmond Berks Dollars” (RBD) in order to make money with this company.

RBD is an internal currency of Richmond Berks which has not any value outside of the company.

As per the company claims, when you invest your money in Richmond Berks Dollars, the company will pay you 1.5% ROI daily on Richmond Berk Dollars points. You will be also rewarded by Richmond Berks bonus point for doing certain activities. However, all withdrawals can be made in USD, but the company will keep 50% of each withdrawal request, and only will pay 50% of your withdrawal amount. Means, if you earn $100 and want to withdraw it, then you will be able to withdraw only $50 and other $50 will be hold by the company.

Richmond Berks also provides referral commission upto 2 levels. The level 1 referrals means the referrals that you recruit directly and level 2 means the referrals of your those level 1 referrals. If any of your level 1 referrals invest in RichmondBerks, you will earn 10% commission of their investment amount and similarly, 5% commission from the investment of amount of your level 2 referrals.


Aforementioned, the owner details of Richmond Berks is not clear and their business model is also not sustainable, so we don't recommend you to join in such kind of risky company, however, final decision is yours. Actually, we only recommend top rated companies like Wealthy Affiliate where there in not any risk to work with, which business model is legal and sustainable, which has been already established from very long time and where you can earn good amount of money on regular basis for your lifetime. For more details on Wealthy Affiliate, you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/

We have also listed several kinds of legit online work companies within our Good and Trusted Online Works section which you can find by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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