What is GrandClick? Is Grandclick.com a Scam? - NOI

What is GrandClick? Is Grandclick.com a Scam or a Legit?

GrandClick is a PTC site which was launched in January 2014. However we don't recommend it although it is still paying on time till today,  12 May 2014, when we are writing this review. If it ever stops paying, we will update here within our GrandClick review. May be you are surprise to see why we are not recommending GrandClick when it is paying from so long time instead of listing it within our Good and Trusted Online Works section. Well, you will find the answer of that within our Grand Click review as below including the answers of queries like what is GrandClick.com in real, either is GrandClick scam or legit, either is there any GrandClick complaints from its members or not and so on. But, before that if you want to take a look what kinds of companies we have listed within our Good and Trusted Online Works section, then you can find those by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/


Among all listed companies within our Good and Trusted Online Works, our No.1 recommendation is Wealthy Affiliate. If you don't know what is Wealthy Affiliate, then you can find the details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/


OK, now let's begin with our GrandClick.com review in order to find out what is Grand Click in real.

GrandClick review. Is GrandClick scam or legit? What is Grand Click?

GrandClick login and join in link:- http://www. grandclick. com/ (Not Recommended to join from our side)

What is GrandClick and why we don't recommend it?

Aforementioned, GrandClick is a PTC site, means Paid to Click site where members need to view ads in order to earn money. Members can earn around $0.00025 per ads view most of time because most of available ads are only worth $0.00025 per view which is very less amount to earn. Most of time there are only around 15 ads in average to view per day due to which members can earn around 0.004 per day, means $0.11 per month. Sure, you think that is very less amount. Yep, we also think same. Now they will say that members can earn more money by referring people. OK, if you refer people which is actually not easy, then also it will be very hard for you to retain the active referrals because when people find out they can't earn good income without referring people, most of them just quit the site. So, this is the one reason we don't recommend GrandClick because if it takes around a year to earn some dollar, that is not a worthy platform to work. However, this is not the only reason we don't recommend it. There are more things.


GrandClick provides opportunity to earn more money by renting referrals and upgrading accounts. But, if you do that, you will lose money instead of earning from this site because 90% of their rented referrals are inactive due to which you will lose your money instead of earning from renting referral which is one kind of scam actually because everyone wants to rent referrals to earn money, not to lose.


After 3 months of launch of GrandClick, they launch another site known as GrandMonopoly and just after that they again buy one more similar PTC site known as The Buxer at January 2015. Actually in PTC industry, only those site owners start to launch same kinds of new sites if they feel they can't make good amount of money from their existing site and want to back up that by letting same members join another site. But, most of time this strategy fails and all together all sister sites turn into scam. But, since all sites owned by owner of GrandClick, Mihkel Einaste, also known as Teiejumal, from Spain have been paying till date, so we can say he manage to survive for long time which is good thing. But, once again, if site doesn't have to pay majority of its members, then sure they can sustain for long run. We don't mean they are not paying, but it is hard to earn in these sites in first place. So, there are very few members who actually make upto the cashout limit and able to cashout earnings from these sites. Majority of members just work for some days and leave the sites without withdrawing their earnings when they feel it is very hard to reach cashout limit. So, that is the reason why all sites of Mihkel Einaste are sustaining from so long time.


Mihkel Einaste not only stops there. He again launched another new site known as GrandRevShare in May 2016 and this is the major reason we now list all of sites owned by Mihkel Einaste within our Not Recommended sites list. We don't mean revenue sharing sites are completely bad. But, the way Mihkel Einaste handling his revenue sharing site can make his all sites unsustainable and collapse soon. In order to long revenue sharing sites for longer time, they need good amount of members which is not in the case of GrandRevShare. Not only that, you can find that all sites operating by Mihkel Einaste including GrandClick have very few amounts of members which is all due to the low earnings. So, it is sure that none of sites operated by Mihkel Einaste is doing well. So, he can stop paying or shutdown sites anytime. After all who want to run the company which is not making good profit. More than that, we have find out that most of ads that has been showing in GrandClick and its sister sites are self sponsored ads, means the ads of admin himself due to which for him it will be very difficult to keep on paying. PTC sites and advertising revenue sharing sites need good amount of members in order sustain, which is not in the case of GrandClick. On top of that the owner of GrandClick open revenue sharing business which legality is not confirmed yet and most of popular revenue sharing sites has been already turned into scam due to which it seems revenue sharing is very risky business. So, from our side we don't recommend GrandClick.

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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