What is BitMiner? Is Bitminer a Scam? - NOI

What is BitMiner? Is Bitminer a Scam?

Do you want to find out what is BitMiner.eu or what is Bitminer.io by searching several Bitminer.io reviews or Bitminer.eu reviews. If so, then you no need to search several BitMiner reviews to find out what is Bit Miner, because here, within our BitMiner review, you are going to find out the answers of your all queries related to both BitMiner.io and BitMiner.eu, such as either is BitMiner.io a scam or not, either is BitMiner.eu scam or not, either is there any BitMiner complaints or not, either is BitMiner Ponzi Scheme or not, either is the business model of BitMiner legal or not and so on.

In short, we want to make it clear that neither we are affiliated with both BitMiner.eu and BitMiner.io, nor we are promoting them. Instead, we have listed both companies within our Not Recommended sites list and the reason for that you can find out within our BitMiner.io review and BitMiner.eu review as below. Actually, in order to recommend any online work companies, we don't only consider either they are paying or not, but also consider either their business model is legal or not, either they have lots of positive feedbacks or not, either their business model is sustainable or not, either the details of the company is clear or not and so on. If you want to be more clear what kind of companies we do recommend, then you can take a look at our recommended online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

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We also suggest you to take a look at our No.1 recommended online work company known as Wealthy Affiliate so that you will be more clear what we consider to recommend any companies. You can find the details on Wealthy Affiliate by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/

OK, now let's begin with the both BitMiner.eu review and Bitminer.io review as below in order to find out why we have listed these both companies within Not Recommended sites list and why we are writing the reviews of these two companies together.

BitMiner review, What is BitMiner, Either BitMiner scam or legit? Bitminer.io scam, Bitminer.eu scam

Bitminer eu login and join in link:- https://bitminer.eu

Bitminer io login and join in link:- https://bitminer.io/

(Not Recommended to join)

What is BitMiner.io and BitMiner.eu? Why don't we recommend both sites?

Both, BitMiner.io and BitMiner.eu are so called Bitcoin Cloud Mining providers. But, in the reality, both Bitminers are illegal Ponzi schemes among which BitMiner.eu may be will sustain longer than BitMiner.io because it is providing very low rate of return. However, both companies don't have any real contact and owner details. If you check the WHOIS details of both companies, you will find out that both companies have registered by hiding their owner details and address.

So, why are we placing the reviews of two companies together? What is the connection between these two companies?

Well, the connection between these two companies are the address and company registration documents that they have provided within their website because both companies have provided same details, the same company registration documents. If you check both companies, you will find out that they have provided address as 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU. But, it is not surprise to see that same address has been used by both companies because this address has been used by many other companies, mostly scam companies and also by other similar kinds of Ponzi schemes such as BTCMiner.Services, StartMiner. Actually, that address which both companies are using is just a rental address which anyone can rent from virtual office address provider company such as, londonpresence.com.

Now, let's find out the owner details according to the company registration document that they have provided. If you check the registration number of the company that they have provided which is 09951039 within UK Companies House data, then you will find out that Giacomo Bugni from Italy is the owner of the company which is actually another red flag to both companies because he has been found involved in Ponzi companies like ADVgenration, etc. and in failed site like Bitcoinbay.co and so on.

So, if some company is claiming to pay you back certain amount of ROI, but hiding their source of real income, more than that hiding their real details and address, then that is guaranteed sign that they don't want to stay online for long time and when they get enough amount of money as per their need, they will just shutdown their company. If we compare the business model of both BitMiner.eu and BitMiner.io, both is almost same expect BitMiner.io is offering high ROI than Bitminer.eu due to which there is high chance that Bitminer.io collapses sooner than Bitminer.eu. Like these kinds of companies are not legal as well. So, even have a chance that they will shutdown by legal agencies if they manage to sustain for long time. But, most of time, this kind of business collapses itself. If both of them don't face any legal issue, then there is high chance that BitMiner.eu will keep on running for longer period because BitMiner.eu offers very low rate than any Ponzi Scheme which will manage them to survive for very long time, but still that doesn't make them legal. About Ponzi Scheme, we have explained in detail within our other posts which you find by clicking the following two links:-

Definition of Ponzi scheme:- newsonlineincome.com/ponzi-scheme/

Comparison between Ponzi and Pyramid:- newsonlineincome.com/2017/03/06/what-is-pyramid-scheme/

So, now it is clear that both, BitMiner.io and Bitminer.eu haven't provided their real owner and address details. If any company is not upfront about their owner details, we need to be careful on those companies in first place, about which we have clearly mentioned within our "how to know scams" post which you can find by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/2017/03/23/how-to-know-scams/

More than that, both BitMiner.io and Bitminer.eu are investment companies claiming to pay back certain amount of ROI to their investors. Any investment company which claims to pay certain amount of ROI, they should provide their source of income, but in case of these two companies, they even haven't provided their owner and address details clearly, so providing source of income is far away thing. These are the reasons why we don't recommend both BitMiner.io and Bitminer.eu.


Aforementioned, it is clear both BitMiner.io and Bitminer.eu are not good companies, so we have listed both within our Not Recommended sites list. If you take a look at our recommended online work companies, then you will find out that none of those companies have hide their owner details and none of those companies business model is unsustainable or illegal. But, Bitminer.io and Bitminer.eu, both are illegal and unsustainable with unclear owner details. You can take a look at our recommended online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/legitimate-work-home-businesses/

Like we have said before, considering all factors, we have listed Wealthy Affiliate as a No.1 Online Work Company, for details click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/

Please feel free to share this post with your friends and families so that they can find out the real truth about these Bit Miner companies:-

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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