MMM Global Review, Is MMM a Scam? - NOI

MMM Global Review, Is MMM Global a scam? Actually a BIG SCAM

Latest Update:- As we have mentioned in our previous MMMGlobal review as below, now MMMGlobal has already stopped paying in many countries and has turned into scam, so now we have listed it within our Bad and Scam Online Works section. In order to find out what is MMM Global and why we have listed it within our Not Recommended sites list at starting, you can read our previous review on MMMGlobal as below.

Warning! BIG Scam is going to take place in the name of MMMGlobal as well as its multiple related sites known as mmmglobalrussia, chinammm, mmmuk, philippinesmmm, mmmindia, indonesiammm, malaysiammm, hongkongmmm, bangladeshmmm, thailandmmm, rsammm, eammm, perummm etc.. Actually if you search name of any country including MMM, may be there you can find one more site belong to this MMMglobal which look almost similar as shown in the picture below. 


So, Is MMMGlobal a scam? Not right now, but will turn into scam soon in the future.


Our this MMM Global review plus its multiple sites MMM India, MMM Global Russia, China MMM, MMM UK, Philippines MMM, Indonesia MMM, Malaysia MMM, Hongkong MMM, Bangladesh MMM, Thailand MMM, RSA MMM, EA MMM, Peru MMM reviews is to provide you the quick warning against these sites before it's too late.

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MMM Global review, MMM Global Russia, China Mmm, MMM UK, Philippines MMM, MMM India, Indonesia MMM, Malaysia MMM, Hongkong MMM, Bangladesh MMM, Thailand MMM, RSA MMM, EA MMM, Peru MMM Review, Are they Scam?

MMM Global login and join in link:- http:// mmmglobal. com/ (Not recommended to join)

Is MMM Global Paying?

Sure, they are paying at the moment and will keep on paying for some months. If it doesn't pay at starting, it can't gather multiple people to its Ponzi scheme. It is here to make millions of dollars, not the thousands. So, at starting it will pay to some members in order to lure more people into its system so that once owner of this site earns millions, will just shutdown the site or stop paying.


Why are we so sure that MMM Global will be turn into Scam?

Well the answer is its business model  and the owner history, everything is full plan scam.


First lets talk about the owner. Do you know who is owner of MMMGlobal and its all related sites?


He is Mr. Sergey Mavrodi who is fraudster that has been already jailed for running a previous scam which was also called as MMM. You can find more about him and his previous scam within Wikipedia page by clicking HERE. In 1997, he was charged as fraud in Russian after the collapse of MMM and thousands of Russians lost their money at that time. After some years of that, he was declared as guilty for defrauding investors around $1.7 million and was sentenced to jail 4+ years. As soon he got out of the jail, instead of realizing his past mistakes, it seems he want to continue it and come up with more clever idea by opening multiple sites related with MMMGlobal for each countries.


Now lets talk about the business model of present site MMM. 


The owner of MMMGlobal, Sergey Mavrodi by himself have stated that there are not any guarantees, neither investments, nor business. It is just a platform where member help each other.  There is no rule and even if you follow all the instructions, you still may lose. You will be not paid without any reasons or explanations.


OK, if you are ready to sign up for this, then go ahead and risk whatever you want to risk.


The whole site is cash gifting concept. It will work at starting for sure as they will pay to old members from the money injected by new members into the system. When new participants flow start to decrease, the money in the system will start to dry out if in the case owner doesn't take the money in the middle and run away. So, either way, it can't be sustainable for long run. Anytime, anyone can lose money in this system.


There is not any system which can generate 100% per month legally on regular basis. Those who claims are completely Ponzi schemes, so is MMM Global.


When you register, you will find out two buttons, provide help and get help. Once you click "provide help", you need to deposit minimum $10 and you will get MAVROs (internal currency of the system) and that MAVRO they start to increase upto 100 % on the basis of your activity, task performance within a site. However, you can't sell those MAVRO unless you will get the order in your Personal Office including all bank details of the person you should transfer money as well as contact details of the person to make sure they are real. There is not any central account and all transfer carried about between participants and company play the role of operator to contact each participants. Once you transfer money to participant, then he/she will confirm about it and then only you can sell your MAVRO. In order to sell your MAVRO, you need to click "get help" and another participant will receive the order in the same manner you did before and will send you the money to your bank. Then you need to confirm it exactly in same manner. Like this, when order come, you should provide help to other participants, if you don't do it within 36 hours, you will be removed from the system.


So, you will get help only when you invest first. Actually it is just a money laundering in the name of help. There is no help, it is just a Ponzi money making platform.


One the top of that, you will receive 10% from your referrals as well as 5% from second level referral, 3% from 3rd level, 1% from fourth and 0.5% from 5th level referral. 


So, if you invest $100, they are giving (10%+5%+3%+1%+0.5%) to different level of sponsors which is 19.5% in total and then aging returning you 100% additional amount (means total $200). So, from where? There are not any products to sell, nor any ways of income to the company from where they can generate that much profit to return back to each of participants. As soon new participants invest money, they just start to divide it to old participants. So, till when this process gonna survive? The answer is till date when owner thinks he have got enough money for him and now its time to shutdown the site.


The another danger part of this site is providing your full bank information which is very dangerous. Even after the site get shutdown, those informations can give you additional hammer surprisedly anytime. Hope you understand what we means.


Conclusion about MMMGlobal

After knowing the all facts and risks involve with MMMGlobal as we have mentioned above, if you still want to invest in this site, then we can't say anything more than learn to swim back from the deepest part of ocean.


OH, by the way if you want to check our No.1 recommended online work company, then you can find it out by clicking this link:-


Best of Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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