What is Creative Jobs, Cjinc.info? Is Cjinc a Scam or a Legit?


If you are searching for the Cjinc reviews in order to find out what is Cjinc.info (Creative Jobs), either is Creative Jobs a scam or a legit and so on, then you are absolutely in the right place because here, within our Creative Jobs review (Cjinc review), we are going to reveal the complete truth about Cjinc. Actually we have listed Cjinc within our Not Recommended sites list because we found lots of warning bells against this company which is not good. So, if you want to find out what are those warning bells, then you can find the details within our Cjinc.info review as below. But, after knowing the fact that Cjinc.info in not a good companyif you don't want to find out more details on it, but want to find out the list of legit online works and businesses to make money online in real, then you can find the list of our recommended legit companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/legitimate-work-home-businesses/


Among those legit online works and businesses, we have rated Wealthy Affiliate as a No.1 Online Work Company. If you want to know why, then you can find the details within our review on Wealthy Affiliate by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/


OK, now let's begin with our Cjinc review in detail to find out what is Cjinc in real.

Creative Jobs legit or not? Why is Cjinc scam? Creative Jobs reviews.

What is Cjinc.info and why don't we recommend it?

Cjinc claims to be a site searching for the full time or part time freelancer workers for their clients so that those freelancer workers can earn money when they complete the offers of their clients. But, the question is; do they really have the clients who are searching for the freelancers to complete their job or not. We think they don't have such clients and the reason for that we have explained in detail point by point as below.


1. Unclear owner details.

The owner details of Cjinc is completely hidden which proves their bad intention. They haven't provided any information about who and from where is operating Cjinc.info either within their website or within their WHOIS details. Hiding owner detail is a huge warning bell in online work industry because only those companies hide their owner details who has linkage with scam sites in the past or want to scam in the future. Till date, in online work industry, none of the legit companies have hide their owner details. So, this is already a big warning bell which makes us not recommending Cjinc, but still there are other drawbacks of this company which you can find as below.


2. Lots of Hassle just to submit an application form.

When you first of all search for the jobs within Cjinc, you can find the plenty of jobs and when you try to apply for those jobs, instead of directing you to the application form like in other legit freelancing companies, you will be directed towards the different pages with lots of AdSense advertisements and you also have to register in some of those sites through their referral ID before you can apply for the job.


After viewing all those pages and registering in some companies, you will finally find the application form which is not even applicable to submit online, but you have to download that in Word format and need to submit that manually. Now, this is a warning bell because first of all none of the legit freelancing companies will let their members to hassle so much just to submit an application because if company really has the clients who are looking for employees to do their job, then the first priority of that company will be to complete the jobs of their clients. But, in Cjinc even when people want to apply for the listed job, it will redirect them to the different sites in some of which people must register. Actually those sites/pages have AdSense ads as well. So, it seems the main revenue stream of Cjinc is AdSense and affiliate programs, not by listing the real jobs. We are not saying displaying ads are bad, we also do that, but after providing the information which our visitors are looking for, not by redirecting them to the ads before even they find out what they are looking for. None of the legit companies will risk to lose their visitors by directing them to the irrelevant pages or by forcing them to register in different companies. On top of that, why any freelancing site which offers the job from their clients will more focus to show the ads and make their visitors register in different companies than letting those visitors to do the listed job of their clients directly. After all they will earn more when those listed jobs are done than displaying the advertisements. So, this hassle for application really gives a big warning bell.


3. Free email address is provided for customer support.

We are not saying it is completely bad to provide the free email address like Cjinc is providing which are cjinc.info@gmail.com and cjinc.client@gmail.com, but nowadays, none of the professional sites do that. It's about the business reputation and even it is not expensive to purchase the private domain email address, so why aren't they doing that? It is hard to believe the company if that is claiming to pay the good amount of money for simple task like $5 for typing 1000 words and even doesn't care to make their own private email address.


4. Lack of payment proofs or positive Cjinc.info reviews.

Although Cjinc.info is online from 2011, still you can't find even a single payment proof of Cjinc which is legit, neither you can find out any positive Cjinc reviews. Instead you can find lots of complaints against it which is definitely not good. 


5. Lots of complaints and bad customer support.

You can find the lots of Cjinc complaints around the internet for not replying its applicants after they submit the job application. People has also complained Cjinc.info didn't reply them even after they send the email which proves that the company doesn't care about its applicants. On top of that, some people has also claimed that Cjinc asked $12 as a Work Station fee to start the job and after that $30 as a refundable deposit. So, it seems Cjinc is selectively contacting the applicants who are ready to pay money by observing the details of applicants which applicants have submitted to Cjinc. Anyway, if freelancing companies are asking money to start a job, then that is definitely a big warning bell.


On the other hand, Cjinc may  be selling the personal details of the people to the third parties. Actually lots of scam companies do that. They sell the personal information of members/applicants like email address, passport details, payment details and so on, whatever they submit to the company and make money from that. So, may be this is the main reason they are online which is to make money for themselves which they can make either by selling the personal information of the members/applicants or by showing the AdSense ads to their visitors/members or by letting their visitors/applicants to join their referral programs. So, stay away from these kinds of companies. These kinds of companies do nothing good for you, instead they may harm you. That's why we don't recommend Cjinc.

Please feel free to share this Cjinc review with your friends and families to warn them about it.



We love to hear from you. So, please feel free to leave your comment below if you want to report anything about Cjinc (Creative Jobs) or want our help in relation to online work industry.

We will be more than happy to help you and hear from you.

Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


2 responses to “What is Creative Jobs, Cjinc.info? Is Cjinc a Scam or a Legit?”

  1. L.G.Jayawardena Avatar

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  2. L.G.Jayawardena Avatar

    Thanks for useful information.

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