What is Bux888? Bux888 Review, Is it Scam or Legit?
Update:- 27/07/2015:- Like we have predicted in our Bux888 review as below, now Bux888 is proved to be a scam because it has already stopped paying to its members.
According to our investigation so far, we find many bad points about Bux888 than the good points. At the moment it is paying. However, it seems that it may turn into scam in the future.
The drawbacks which we find out about Bux888 are as below:-
1. The payment proofs which they are showing are not real and those members are not real. They copy picture of those members from the site name dynado .com
2. They claim they are from the USA, but their PayPal account which they are using is in the name of Zu Wei who is from China. However, the site was registered under name of Ronnie Scudder.
3. We feel that this site is from the same owner of previous scam sites 88bux, 88clix and Neatclix, but not sure about it.

Conclusion about Bux888
Aforementioned, they are using the fake name, which is not a good sign. However, they will pay for some time in order to gather more people. But, it is 100% sure that they will stop paying soon later.
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Please feel free to leave your comment below if you have any queries related to Bux888 or want to report anything about online work industry. We will be more than happy to help and hear from you.
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