Looking for Yetznd reviews to know either is Yetznd fake or real? If so, then you are in the right place. Through this review, you will know what is Yetznd.com in real.
We think Yetznd is not a genuine site since it has the following drawbacks:-
# It has not provided the company’s address and contact phone. Its obvious that legit online stores mostly provide detailed contact information which can be easily verified while scam ones either don’t provide any contact details or provide fake ones.
# Duncanmall@zohomail.com email address is not related to its domain name and it is a free email address that can be registered at "Zoho.com".
# Lots of details and its website design match with multiple problematic sites. The legit sites mostly have genuine content, not copy-paste ones.
# It hasn’t provided social media icons linked to its social media pages or profiles, so it may not have its social media pages or profiles. Most of the legit online stores have their social media pages.
# Its Returns and Refunds Policy is very confusing which will make you very difficult to get full refund. You can find exactly the same kind of Return Policy on lots of scam sites. It also asks its customers to pay the shipping costs for returning the items.
# You can find lots of complaints from users of similar kinds of sites about the product quality, customer service and delivery time. Some users have also complained that they never received their products from similar kinds of sites.
Due to the reasons we have mentioned above, we conclude that Yetznd is a suspicious website. However, if you know additional information about this company, then please let us know using the comment section below. We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you to avoid online scamming.
If you agree with our Yetznd review and want to share this information with your friends and families, then please feel free to share this post with them through your social media accounts.
Please feel free to use the search box on our website to find the review of the site that you are looking for. Or, you can comment below or in any other posts and ask us to check the site. We will be more than happy to help you and save you from scams.
However, we are not telling you that Yetznd is definitely a scam because we have no right to say so since we haven't purchased anything on this online store. We have just showed some facts about this online store and we hope that these facts actually will help you to make a right decision.
We also recommend you to check other articles under our “Scam Alert!” or “Suspicious” categories so that you will have more knowledge about various kinds of scams and suspicious websites and online activities.
To save yourself from scam online stores, always avoid the sites that are selling items at unrealistic cheap prices. Always verify the contact information provided on the site and avoid the ones without any contact details.
Good Luck!
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