What is DollarPlane? Is Dollar Plane a Scam or a Legit?
If you are searching for the answers of the queries like what is Dollar Plane, either is DollarPlane.com a scam or a legit and so on, then here is the straight answer for you:- DollarPlane.com is a scam site. However, if you want to know why, then you can find the details within our DollarPlane.com review as below. You no need to search any other DollarPlane reviews in order to find out the reality of DollarPlane.com because through our Dollar Plane review, we are going to reveal the complete truth about DollarPlane. But, after knowing the fact that DollarPlane is a scam, if you don't want to find out more details on DollarPlane.com, but instead of that want to find out the real opportunities to make money online, then you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
Also we like to add that our No.1 recommended online work and business is Wealthy Affiliate about which you can find the details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/
OK, now let's continue with our DollarPlane review to find out what is Dollar Plane in real.
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DollarPlane login and join in link:- DollarPlane.com (Not Recommended to join)
What is DollarPlane.com and why are we saying Dollar Plane is a scam?
DollarPlane is a scam site from a serial scammer who always keeps on opening similar kinds of sites with different names, but with same business format, same strategy to scam people and same WHOIS details, but never pay to anyone. None of those sites have paid to anyone, neither they will pay in future. The other scam sites from same scammer which look similar to Dollar Plane are EarlyJobPay, DutyKid, DutySet, BucksTip, DollarsPlug, DollarJobOnline, DollarInPocket, DollarSaw, DutySpace, DutyTrend, DollarsJet, PayChair, MyPayPot, SuperJobs, MyPayStuff, EarningHabit, DollarsTeller, Dollar2Refer and so on.
Actually, you can find most of those websites have same website script, same business model, same strategy to scam people, same website theme and same WHOIS details, but only different website names. That is why even they hide their owner details within their website and WHOIS details so that nobody can catch them after scamming people, but at least we are able to find out these all sites are from same scam group because like we have mentioned before, most of the details of these sites match with each other. Actually, hiding owner details itself proves DollarPlane and other similar sites are scam sites because none of the legit companies hide their owner details.
The business model of these sties are completely bogus. They claim to pay upto $10 per click that members receive on their referral link by posting that referral link in different forums and social media sites like Facebook. But, if we think logically, that is completely bogus claim. DollarPlane.com claims to pay members $10 per click that they get on their website link from social media sites like Facebook. But, in reality, DollarPlane can easily advertise its website link in Facebook by paying around $1 to get 25 to 50 clicks. So, why it wants to pay $10 per click for the same thing which it can get in less than $1? On top of that, none of the companies can get any benefit by paying $10 per click on their website link. Till date there is not any company which has paid $10 per click to advertise their website in any platform. So, that is a bogus claim in itself which proves DollarPlane is a scam
Once you reach the minimum cashout threshold and request for cashout, then the sites like DollarPlane will not pay you, instead will ask you to complete the offers first in order to be eligible to get the payment and in order to complete those offers, you have to pay money from your own pocket first of all and even if you believe them and do those offers, then also they will not pay you. That is their trick to make money out of you, that is why they are online. They also make money by selling your personal information to the third parties which you have provided to them, such as your email address, payment processors address and so on. All the payment proofs provided by DollarPlane is fake. So, stay away from the sites like Dollar Plane. That is why we have listed DollarPlane.com within our Bad and Scam Online Works section.
If you want to know how to find out if some company is scam or not by yourself, then you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.org/2017/03/23/how-to-know-scams/
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