Scotiabank Misuse or Incident Phishing Scam - NOI

Scotiabank Misuse or Incident Phishing Scam Alert!

Scotiabank from Canada is one of the reputed banks. However, recently cybercriminals are sending fake email in the name of Scotiabank and tricking people to submit their personal and financial details by clicking the link as provided in the email. Below is the example of such Scotiabank Misuse or Incident phishing email.

From: ScotiaBank Canada <>


Subject: Misuse/Incident


To our valued customers,

The safety and security of your ScotiaBank accounts is our top priority. We are providing you with this update because we received a claim that fraudsters gained access to certain personal and financial information for some of our customers.


We are calling each potentially-impacted customer to determine if there was any financial impact. Customers will not lose money from this incident, as we will fully reimburse our customers for any financial impact of unauthorized transactions.


We have multiple layers of protection, and a team of dedicated experts monitoring and tracking your accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


In addition, we require you to visit (#We, NewsOnlineIncome hide this link for the security reason, however in the message you can find the link to click which we strictly don't recommend you to click) to update your information so we can better determine if this affected your account and how to protect you better.


We would highly suggest never giving out your password or sharing your account.


For additional information and ongoing updates, please visit

The "Scotiabank Misuse or Incident" Phishing Scam Alert!

Beware of the "Scotiabank Misuse or Incident" Phishing Scam

If you ever get any message or email as in the example above, just delete that. Don't click any link on such email or message. If you want to check either such email is really sent by Scotiabank or not, then you can directly to go the official website of Scotiabank and sign in to your account there to check your account status but never ever click any link on such emails.


These kinds of cybercriminals trick you by asking you to click the link as provided in the email which almost looks like the link from the official website of Scotiabank. However, if you click such link and provide your password and other personal details to log in then cybercriminals will get all your personal information and can steal your money. So beware of this kind of scam.

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If you want to report about phishing scams or want to share something about this Scotiabank phishing email scam or if you need our help in relation to online work and business industry, then please feel free to leave your comment below.

We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you.

Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
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