You must know the fact that “.gov” domains always related to U.S. government organizations or programs since only U.S. government organizations and programs are authorized to register the ".gov" links. But, having a ".gov" link is still not enough to prove the legitimacy of these kinds of letters.
Scammers may also send similar kinds of letters and even provide the ".gov" link but ask you to send some personal details by emailing someone or by mailing to some unknown address or to visit websites other than the ".gov" domain websites. In this case, you should not follow the instruction provided on those letters unless you confirm that by contacting the officials of the 2020 Census.
You are safe only if you provide your personal details on the official website of government or mailing to an address that belongs to government offices. Other than that, you should never provide your personal details to anyone anywhere.
You should also know the fact that the government will never ask your credit card details. So, if such letters are asking you to submit your credit card details somewhere, then you should ignore those letters and should not follow any instructions provided on those letters.
In the past scammers have tricked many people by asking them to send their personal details including credit card details.
Scammers always try to steal your personal information like your phone number, email address and so on which they can sell to third parties and make money. There are lots of such third parties both legal and illegal who purchase personal details for advertising and promotional purposes.
And, it is more dangerous to submit your credit card details. If cybercriminals get your credit card details, they will steal all money from your credit card without your consent.
So, you should be always careful while sharing your personal details. You must confirm everything before you submit your personal details anywhere online or offline.
Cybercriminals may also ask you to visit some websites. Never ever download anything from such websites because those may contain some spyware, malware or virus which can harm your device or even can hack your device to get your personal information. Actually, you should never visit any unknown websites by following the directions provided on such letters because when you visit such websites, then such websites also may contain some spyware or malware or viruses that can harm your device and steal your credentials from your device.
Cybercriminals will also try to steal the money from potential victims by asking them to send some money to pay some fees to get some gifts and prizes. However, if you send them your money, they will just vanish with your money. So, never ever send any money to them. Real companies will never ask you to send any money to pay some fees or tax to get the gifts, prizes or something similar. So, all companies which ask you to pay money first to send you some gifts or prizes or something else are scams.
Actually, you should not follow any instructions provided in such letters without confirming the legitimacy of such letters. If you get confused either such a letter is a scam or from a real company, then you should directly contact the main company or visit the official website of the main company and check the details there but never visit any website other than the ".gov" websites by following the direction provided on unknown letters.
Now you know about the website and 2020 Census letter. So, if you want to share the reality of these kinds of letters with your friends and families, then please feel free to share this post with them through your social media accounts.
It will be our pleasure to hear from you. So, please feel free to leave your comment below if you want to report about Phishing letters, posts or messages (reports with the sample of Phishing letters, posts or messages will be better). You can also comment below if you have any queries related to the online work and business industry. We will be more than happy to help you and hear from you.
Good Luck!
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