Is Pact App a Scam or Legit? Gym Pact App Review - NOI

Is Pact App a Scam or Legit? Gym Pact App Review

Are you searching for Pact App reviews or GymPact reviews in order to find out either GymPact app is scam or legit? If so, then you can find the real truth about PactApp, also known as Gym Pact App within our Pact review, GymPact App review here, both pros and cons, such as negative GymPact app reviews, GymPact scam claims, Pact app scam claims, Gym Pact app complaints etc. GymPact is an application which you can download in your IOS and Android device, means in your mobiles which offers to do the tasks to maintain yourself healthy and fit and reward you by paying for doing so via PayPal. It is paying to its members on time. So we have listed it within our “Good and Trusted Online Works” section. However, that doesn't mean you can earn huge income from GymPactApp and make a living from the earnings that you will make from GymPact App. Actually, you can only earn few extra pocket money form Gym Pact App. So, if you are searching for the companies from where you can earn enough to make a living and plan for your full time online career for your lifetime, then you should join company like Wealthy Affiliate about which you can find details by clicking this link:-


So in short, if you want to know either is Gym Pact Scam or not, then it is not. Why? You can find it within our detailed GymPact review as below.

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You can download GymPact App from following sites or directly from Google Play or IOS Application:-



GymPact app review about its business background, What is GymPact App?

As per WHOIS details, the domain was registered in 2011 in the name of Yifan Zhang with address as 60 Salem Street, Apt B, Boston, USA and the domain was registered in 2010 in the name of Geoff Oberhofer under Pact Inc. with address as 650 Alabama St., San Francisco, USA. The reason for registering two domains for same website is unknown, but may be it is their marketing strategy. As mentioned in their website, Yifan Zhang and Geoff Oberhofer both are co-founders of GymPact application and their contact address is 650 Alabama Street, Suite 202, San Francisco, CA 94110, USA which is the same address as they have provided in their WHOIS detail of gym As per WHOIS detail, Pact App phone number is (317) 410-3638 and Gym Pact App phone number is 12539054216. So, at least it is a proof that they are real.


Gym Pact is an application which can be download in IOS and Android devices, smartphones. Gym Pact is a fitness app which motivates you to have a healthy life by rewarding you for doing daily workout. You will get paid via PayPal account just for doing tasks to maintain your health as per the commitment that you have to provide to Gym Pact application.



How to earn money from Gym Pact App?

It is free to join and work with GymPact app program. First of all you have to download the Pact app and need to verify your credit card with this program. You will earn money from GymPact App just for doing workout and eating healthy food. You need to set your workout schedule first and have to do workout accordingly and after you will earn around $0.5 to $2 each week for completing those workouts. The amount you earn will depend upon how many members fail to do such workout tasks in that week and give the penalty by paying to Gym Pact App. Yep, if you also fail to complete the task, you will end up paying penalty to Gym Pact App which will be minimum $5 per week.


For an example, if you set your goal in Gym Pact App that you are going to go jogging three times in a week and will eat vegetables everyday entire week and set wager amount $5 to pay to Gym Pact if you fail to complete the task because minimum wager amount you can set is $5, then if you complete the task, you will earn from $0.5 to $2 depending upon the amount of the members fail to do the task that time. Gym Pact will give you the cut according to amount they collected each week from the members who fail to do the tasks as per their commitment. In short, if you are able to complete the task to be fit and healthy, then you will earn upto $2 per week and if you fail to do those tasks, then you will lose $5 per week or even more if you set your wager amount more than $5.


The business model of Gym Pact App is very sustainable because application will take 40% of total amount that they collect from the members who fail to do the tasks and then rest 60% they share with the members who are able to complete the task successfully according to their commitment and task load.


In order to prove that you have eaten the food as per your commitment to Gym Pact, you need to post the pictures of the food that you have eaten to the Gym Pact App. Your pictures will be verify by the program and you will get paid accordingly. Like this you need to provide various proofs as demanded by GymPact App to prove you have completed those tasks. You will find the full guide about how to provide the proof of those workout and that is not so hard, actually very easy.




Aforementioned, Gym PactApp is free to  to join in and easy to earn money program. So everyone can join and try it once. However, even those tasks sound very simple to do, but many people has been failed to do those tasks. Especially this program is for those people who are usually going to the Gym or doing some exercises to maintain their body fit and healthy. If you are looking this site just the way to earn money, then may be it is not your cup of tea. Yep, you can earn some of money from this site but you can’t make a living from the income that you can make from this site. From here you can only earn few extra pocket money like $2 per week, that's all. So, less, isn't it? That is why if you are looking for the program from where you can earn enough to make a living and plan for a stable income for lifetime, then it is better to join one of the top rated online work company known as Wealthy Affiliate about which you can find our detail review by clicking this link:-

Please feel free to share this GymPact App review with your friends and families.

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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