GrindPlay Scam Alert! Beware of Grind Play

Yes, is a scam and we are saying this due to the lots of complaints we have found against this site and also due to the similarity of this site with other scam sites with the same kind of business model. Let's find out why is a scam, what is in real through our review here. So, let's begin with our GrindPlay review.

You can find lots of GrindPlay complaints from its users for charging their credit card randomly even after they cancel their subscription which is definitely a scam move. So, this much is already enough to prove Grind Play is a scam.

We know the fact that every company will have complaints. But if some companies only have complaints and negative reviews and not a single positive review, then definitely that company is not good. In the case of Grind Play, you can find only negative GrindPlay reviews.

GrindPlay claims they will not charge your credit card but will do that periodically even after you cancel your membership there. Giving the credit card information to this site is the way to cancel your credit card.

OK, let's find out more about GrindPlay here, within our Grind Play review to be more clear why is Grind Play a scam.

GrindPlay complaints. GrindPlay fake or real? GrindPlay legit or fraud?

GrindPlay login and join in link:- (Not recommended to join)

Why is GrindPlay a scam? What is Grind Play?

Well, we already told you that GrindPlay is charging the credit card of its members randomly which is enough to prove GrindPlay is a scam. Now, let's find out more to be more clear why is GrindPlay a fraud company.

GrindPlay has advertised that it has lots of TV shows and movies but when you joined it, you can't find most of those TV shows or movies.

GrindPlay is similar to lots of other scam sites such as StreamLivePickaFlickMCPlayzGeeker and so on. All of those sites have an almost same business model and same kinds of complaints of charging credit card randomly and providing not good service as they have advertised. Maybe these all sites have been operated by the same owner.

So, now it is clear that GrindPlay is a scam. So, we have listed it in our Bad and Scams category.

If you have already provided your credit card details to GrindPlay, then we suggest you contact your credit card company immediately and follow their advice to save your money.

Never fall into these kinds of scams. These kinds of scams always lure people by showing great products or services at a cheap price. So, if you find anything online which seems to be too good to be true, then, in reality, that is not true. Remember this to save yourself from the scam.

If you have found something suspicious online then you can report us because we are the team of experts who can investigate the online businesses and help you to find out either those sites are scams or not. We also guide people to make money online by working with genuine companies. For example, you can find the list of genuine online works and business by clicking >HERE<.

Actually, we always suggest everyone establish their own business online in order to make a good income online regularly. It is not difficult to establish your own business online and for that, you no need to have any technical knowledge. You can join an online business training program like Wealthy Affiliate where you will learn to make a website in your own subject of interest and make money from that, means by establishing your own business online. If you are interested to establish your own business online and want to find out more about Wealthy Affiliate for that, then you can click >HERE<

Please spread awareness about this Grind Play scam by sharing this GrindPlay review with your friends and families through your social media accounts:-

Do you want to provide your own Grind Play reviews? Do you want to report anything about GrindPlay? Do you need any help form our side in relation to online work and the business industry? If so, then please feel free to leave your comment below.

We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you.

Good Luck!

Comments: 6
  • #1

    Lafhonda (Monday, 08 July 2019 02:36)

    I don't know what this website is. I just noticed that they're taking money out of my account. Maybe I did try to order something for a dollar. But I'm going to my bank today.

  • #2

    susan royle (Friday, 09 August 2019 13:22)

    I have tried today to can el my account but wen told nothing is coming up with the details I have given en them but they still charged me 7.95 on the 5,/08/19

  • #3

    Dinojan (Wednesday, 11 September 2019 03:59)

    Yesterday i got an mail form inkasso in england that i have to pay 516 euro to grindplay and i dont even know this website. After the mail i tried to log in with my mail but it doesn't work.

  • #4

    Dinojan (Wednesday, 11 September 2019 04:01)

    They say if i They say if I do not pay until the 14th of September they will file a claim against me.
    Can you pls help me?

  • #5

    Fred Graves (Sunday, 22 September 2019 13:49)

    I don't know what I did to let grindplay get into my pocket, but as soon as I saw the August charge I went in and cancelled. I thought I was within their five day trial, but did not know that it had passed, because I did not know that I had signed up. I received a cancellation confirmation. Now I have received a charge for September. What screw job.

  • #6

    Mercy (Wednesday, 27 November 2019 09:03)

    I don't know about grindplay but l received sms for my bank they took my money

0/5 (0 Reviews)
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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


2 responses to “GrindPlay Scam Alert! Beware of Grind Play”

  1. Michaela Kočová Avatar
    Michaela Kočová

    Byla mi nabídnuta výhra ať se zaregistruji, vyplnila jsem údaje jako své jméno,příjmení,adresu,telefon,e-mail a hlavně nakonec všechny údaje své platební karty a začli se mi ihned odesílat peníze z mého účtu.

    1. Mark Taylor Avatar
      Mark Taylor

      Ahoj Michaela, jsem zástupcem, což je legitimní služba, která poskytuje přístup k elektronickým knihám, hrám, filmům a hudbě. Jsme rádi, že vám můžeme jakkoli pomoci v naději na pozitivnější výhled na to, co nabízíme, kromě zjišťování a řešení neočekávaných faktur. Omlouváme se za případné nepříjemnosti, které byste zažili.

      Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že můžete poslat svou odpověď spolu s odkazy, které vám slíbily výhru od Grindplay na "", laskavě uveďte své jméno a příjmení a e-mailovou adresu, na kterou byste se zaregistrovali, aby naši přátelští zástupci zákaznických služeb mohli vyhledat a nechte tyto problémy opravit.

      S přátelským pozdravem,
      Podpora Grindplay

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