What is Raybxc.com? Scam? Legit? Raybxc Review - NOI

What is Raybxc.com? Scam? Legit? Raybxc Review

Raybxc.com review is here to reveal the truth about Raybxc.com scam online store. Yes, Raybxc is a fraudulent online store, not a trustworthy one. Raybxc is not an authorized seller for Ray-Ban products like it is claiming to be.


Well, let's find out in detail below what is Raybxc.com in real and why is a Raybxc scam.


Raybxc complaints. Is a Raybxc fake or real? Is a Raybxc legit or hoax?

Raybxc is a fraudulent website due to the following reasons:-

  • Antivirus software detects the threat in Raybxc URL. You can find the screenshot below for the proof.

Antivirus threat detection in Raybxc URL

  • Raybxc website is operated by the serial cybercriminal and we can confirm that because the website theme, website script, product details, images and lots of other details of Raybxc exactly match with those scam sites. Few examples of those similar looking scam sites are Raybbn, Raybw, Rabnn, Rabkb and so on.
  • Raybxc has other lots of similarities with lots of scam sites such as its website theme is very untidy, lots of details provided on Raybxc website match with other scam sites, the desktop version of Raybxc website is not available and so on.
  • The trust seal logos like McAfee, Norton and so on presented on the Raybxc website are fake because they are neither clickable nor verifiable. The trust seal logo of Norton should be always clickable so that we can click on that which will send us to the official pop-up page of Norton to verify that trust seal. However, the trust seal logos of Norton presented on the Raybxc website are not clickable. Similarly, the trust seal logos of McAfee presented on the Raybxc website are also not clickable. When we check the Raybxc website on McAfee database, we find out Raybxc is not listed on the McAfee database. So, it is clear that Raybxc has provided the fake trust seals. This is definitely not a good thing because trust seals are there to protect the personal and financial information of the clients. If some sites try to trick their client by showing fake trust seal logos, then you can think yourself either you should purchase any item from such site or not.
  • Raybxc is offering a very low price for Ray-Ban glasses. Only scam sites can provide such a huge discount on Ray-Ban glasses. We have never found the legit Ray-Ban company providing such a huge discount in any Ray-Ban products. Actually, these days you can find multiple scam sites offering a huge discount on branded items. Raybxc is definitely one of those scam sites.

Aforementioned, now it is clear that Raybxc is a scam online store, not a genuine site from Ray-Ban company. So we have listed Raybxc in our Bad and Scams category.


These days you can find multiple scam online stores. So, you should be always careful while purchasing anything from the new online stores. Most of these online stores don't deliver the purchased items to their clients or deliver completely different or very cheap quality items. These kinds of scam online stores are even found to be charging the credit card of the clients randomly without their consent. So, if you ever shop mistakenly from any scam online stores, we suggest you immediately contact your bank or credit card company to secure your credit card.

Please feel free to share this Raybxc review with your friends and families through your social media accounts to make them aware of this Raybxc fraud site:-

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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