Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-In Activity Scam - NOI

Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-In Activity Scam

If you have received the email with the subject "Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity", then it's better you never click the link within that email. We are not saying that all of those emails are scams. Some of them may have sent by Microsoft itself, but since there are lots of such kinds of scam emails, it's better you be careful with those emails.


So, it's better you don't follow the instruction of such email. Instead, it's better you go to the official website of Microsoft such as to, or and sign-in your account from there instead. If your account has a problem in reality, then Microsoft will give you the instruction and you can follow them to recover your account. However, if you click the link in the email and log in from there, then your information get hacked by the hacker because they will get your email and password once you login by clicking the link as they have provided in the email.


Microsoft only sends you such email if someone from another country or another city or with a new device and IP address try to login to your account. But, that is the very rare case. So, it's better you always log in to your Microsoft account directly going to the official sites like, or, however, never ever follow the instruction in such emails.

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Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity scam

Example of Microsoft Account Unusual Sign-In Activity Email Scams

"From: Microsoft Office365

Sent: Wednesday, 1 June 2018 1:11 AM

Subject: Microsoft account unusual sign-in activity


Microsoft account

Unusual sign-in activity

We detected something unusual about a recent sign-in to your Microsoft Office 365 account with email address .


Country/region: Russia

IP address:

Date: 9/01/2018 11:32 AM (PST)

If this was you, then you can safely ignore this email.

If you're not sure this was you, a malicious user might have your password.

To help keep you safe, we required you to review your Office 365 E-mail account by sign-in into your Office 365 E-mail account, you will be introduced to new term of Microsoft service agreement that will strengthen the security of your Microsoft E-mail account.

Review recent activity

We'll help you take corrective action after you review has your Office 365 E-mail account.

This message was sent to . To opt out or change where you receive security notifications, click here.


The Microsoft account team"




From: Microsoft account team 

Date: 4/6/2018 5:49 PM

Subject: Your account will be deactivated 


Microsoft account

Unusual sign-in activity

This is to inform you that your request on: 04/04/2018 09:18:02.PM. to remove your account meweaz@*****.***

from server has been approved and will initiate in one hour from the exact time you open this message. Regards. ignore this message to continue with email removal or If this deactivation was not requested by you Please reply us. If You Receive

This Message In Your Junk or Spam Its Due to Your Internet Provider


And So on...

As you can see in the examples above, the hacker will try to scam you by making you believe that your Microsoft account is going to be deactivated or having some problems and provide you the link to click and sign in to your account in order to recover your account. However, if you click that link and follow the instruction, then the hacker will get your email address details and password and every personal detail that you have provided in the email. Hacker can sell that information to the third parties and make money from that.


If your email is linked with your payment processor accounts or with some credit card details, then hackers will easily hack those details and you may end up losing your payment processor account balance or credit card balance. So, never ever follow the instructions in these kinds of emails. Whenever you get such email, directly go to the official website of Microsoft and log in from there. If your account has a problem in reality, then you will get the instruction to recover your account there. So, never ever click the link provided in such emails.


Hacker has already tried to theft the Microsoft account, so there is a possibility that hacker will again try to grab the information of your Google account, Yahoo account, Facebook account, PayPal account and so on. So, if you ever get any emails mentioning your account has an unusual activity or your account is going to be deactivated and so on, then never click the link provided in those emails.


The motto of our website is to make people aware of the scams. So, if you want to report about any scams online, please feel free to use the comment section below in order to contact us. We not only make people aware of scams but also list the genuine and trusted online works and businesses from where people can make money which you can find by clicking >HERE<


We also help people to establish their own business online by creating a website in their own subject of interest and make money from that. You no need to have any technical knowledge to establish your own business online. It is not difficult. If you are interested to create your own business online, then you can join our No.1 recommended online business training program known as Wealthy Affiliate about which you can find the details by clicking >HERE<

Please feel free to share about this Microsoft account unusual sign in activity phishing email through your social media accounts to make your friends and families aware of this scam:-

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Good Luck!

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