IG Viewer Online Review: Scam on Instagram
Beware of "IG Viewer Online Who Viewed your Instagram Profile" tool. IG Viewer Online is a fake Instagram tool which claims to provide you the list of Instagram users who viewed your profile.
IG Viewer Online claims you can find the list of Instagram users who viewed your Instagram profile by visiting to "IGViewer.Online" website and then by providing your Instagram username there as shown in the screenshot below. However, once you provide your Instagram username there and click "Continue", you will find some list of Instagram users that are claimed to view your profile, but you can't see the name or profile of those Instagram users unless you complete some surveys. IG Viewer Online asks you to complete some surveys first to view the full list of Instagram users who viewed your Instagram profile. However, no matter how many surveys you complete there, you never gonna see what you have promised for. You can't find the name of any Instagram users who viewed your profile.
Even we tried submitting the fake Instagram username which doesn't exist and still it shows the number of people who viewed that fake Instagram profile. How can any people be there who are viewing the Instagram profile which doesn't exist? So, this proves IG Viewer Online is a fake tool.
Now, you may be thinking what is the motive behind these kinds of scams, how can anyone benefit from these kinds of scams, right? Well, keep on reading this post to find out the motive behind these kinds of scams.

What is the motive behind IG Viewer Online located at IGViewer.Online site?
The clear cut motive of these kinds of scam tools or websites or software is to steal your personal information. When you provide them your Instagram username, they will have access to your personal information which is publicly available on your Instagram account. These scammers will sell those personal details to third parties and make money from there.
Now you may be thinking why any third party will purchase such personal information, right?
Well, such personal information is used to advertise the products and services to those Instagram users to further scam them. Not only that but sometimes they can also use those personal details to hack your Instagram account as well as other personal accounts to get more personal and financial information.
Sometimes fake websites may also contain some malware or viruses which may hack your device to get lots of information from your device.
Since IGViewer.Online website also tricks you to complete some surveys, so definitely IG Viewer Online is making some benefit while you complete those surveys since lots of genuine as well as scam companies pay money for completing surveys and also they pay money when someone can lure lots of people to complete such surveys and offers.
Actually, Instagram will never allow any third-party applications to provide the service like IG Viewer Online is claiming. Aforementioned, IG Viewer Online tool located at IGViewer.Online website is claiming Instagram users to let them see who viewed their profiles. However, Instagram will never give third-party applications access to such information and even if Instagram ever allow some third-party applications to provide such information, they will link those applications from Instagram directly or at least send a notification to Instagram users officially about such applications. So, don't believe any tools or websites or applications which promise to provide such service.
Now you know about IG Viewer Online scam. So, please spread the awareness about this scam by sharing this post with your friends and families through your social media accounts:-
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Good Luck!
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