Review: BitElitum Scam Alert! - NOI Review: BitElitum Scam Alert!

You may have found some sites providing the positive BitElitum reviews, but in reality, those sites are opened with the motto of promoting illegal schemes. They call the sites like an HYIP, but it is actually an illegal scheme known as a Ponzi scheme. So, if you ask us what is then the simple answer will be a Ponzi scheme. If you ask us either is BitElitum a scam or a legit, then the answer will be yes, is a scam. That's why we have listed within our Bad and Scams category.


Anyway, from our BitElitum review, you are going to find the complete details on BitElitum. However, after finding out BitElitum is a scam, if you don't want to find out more details on BitElitum, but instead, if you want to find out the genuine and trusted ways to make money online, then you can click >HERE<


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OK, now let's begin with our Bit Elitum review in order to find out what is Bit Elitum in real and why is a scam.

BitElitum complaints. BitElitum fake or real? BitElitum legit or fraud?

Bit Elitum login and join in link:- (Not Recommended to join, it's a scam)

What is and why is Bit Elitum a scam?

BitElitum is a Ponzi scheme because it offers to pay up to 250% in 4 days on the investment amount of the members, but fails to provide the real proof of its income source from where it can make such profit to pay back its members. Yep, it has claimed that it can make such amount of profit constantly by investing in blockchain technologies. But, that is completely a bogus claim and even it fails to provide the proof of that investment on blockchain technology. None of the investors in the cryptocurrency market ever can guarantee such a high fixed rate of return.


Even if we agree they can really make such amount of profit, then also why they need to collect the investment from the several people and pay them up to 250% profit in 4 days instead of taking loan from a bank in much more lower rate, less than 1% monthly interest rate and use that money to multiply the profit? If they pay 1% monthly interest rate to the bank instead of paying 250% in 4 days to the several investors, they can make much more profit for themselves. So, why aren't they doing that? Simply because they are lying about everything. 


They are just paying one member using the money invested by another member. So, each time they pay to their members, they create a debt into the system which ultimately makes them collapse. However, they will not wait until the company collapse. They will only pay few members at starting only to gain the trust of more people so that they can collect more investment from several people and run away with the big amount of money. That is why BitElitum is a Ponzi scheme.


The pictures of team members and office that they have provided on their website are all fake. They have downloaded those pictures from the Internet and edit them according to their need. They have completely concealed their owner details on WHOIS which prove they are not providing any real information about the owner or company's location.


Bit Elitum has provided the UK Companies House registration document as its legitimacy proof which is another big lie because that is not a license to run an investment company like BitElitum, but just a registration for a tax purpose. Anyone can register a company in the UK Companies House by providing third-party identities and renting the address from the virtual address services. Yep, the address which BitElitum has provided as its company's address in that registration document is not its company's address, but just an address which it has rented from the virtual address services just to register a company in the UK Companies House. In the past, there were tons of Ponzi schemes which had done such registration and now had already turned into scams. So, that proves having such document is not the proof of legitimacy, instead just an old trick to lure the people into an illegal scheme. In order to find out how the scam companies are registered in the UK Companies House, you can click >HERE<. So, now it is clear Bit Elitum is a scam, so we have listed BitElitum within our Bad and Scams category.

It is better you warn your friends and families about this Bit Elitum scam by sharing this BitElitum review with them through your social media accounts:-

Your comments are valuable to us. So, please feel free to leave your comment below if you have to say anything about BitElitum or want our help in relation to online work and business industry.

We will be more than happy to hear from you and help you.

Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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