What is MAVWealth? Is MAV Wealth a Scam or a Legit?
Are you searching for MAVWealth reviews in order to find out what is MAV Wealth, either is MAVWealth scam or legit, either is there any MAVWealth complaints or not, either MAVWealth pays or not and so on? If so, then you are absolutely in the right place because here, within our MAVWealth review, we are going to provide you the complete truth on MAVWealth.com so that you can find out what is www.MAVWealth.com in real.
In short, we want to make you clear that we have listed MAV Wealth within our Not Recommended online work companies list because it is not a good company. If you want to find out why, then you can find in detail within our www.MAVWealth.com review as below. But, before that if you want to find out what kinds of online work companies we do recommend, then you can find the list of our recommended online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
However, if you are interested to establish full time income online on regular basis for your lifetime so that you can quit your job, then it is better you join our No.1 recommended online work company known as Wealthy Affiliate. If you don't know what is Wealthy Affiliate, then you can find our detailed Wealthy Affiliate review by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/
OK, now let's begin with our MAV Wealth review as below in detail to find out its reality.
MAV Wealth login and join in link:- https:// www. mavwealth. com/ (Not Recommended to join)
What is MAV Wealth and why don't we recommend it?
MAVWealth is a Ponzi Pyramid hybrid, which means this company is neither a legal, nor a sustainable one. We can say that they are Ponzi because there is not any verifiable source of income to pay ROI to their affiliates than the amount invested by the affiliates. So, they will use the money invested by new affiliates to pay the existing affiliates, which is completely a Ponzi scheme. Like in MLM (Multi Level Marketing) companies, MAV Wealth pays commission upto unlimited multi level downlines, but even when referrals purchases their ROI plans. So, paying commissions on the sales of ROI plans without selling any real products, makes their system Pyramid scheme. If you don't know what is Ponzi and Pyramid schemes, then you can find the details by clicking the following two links:-
Ponzi Scheme:- newsonlineincome.org/ponzi-scheme/
Pyramid Scheme:- newsonlineincome.org/2017/03/06/what-is-pyramid-scheme/
The other reasons for not recommending MAV Wealth are:-
1. The Hidden owner details:-
No one knows who is running and operating MAVWealth, neither its physical location. That information is not available within its website, nor within its WHOIS detail. If some company is not upfront about the owner details, specially in online work industry, that is already a red flag for that company. Only those who have intention of scamming people will hide their owner details, otherwise there is not any reason to hide the owner details. Even the owner of legit companies want to come upfront to show themselves so that they can be renowned person. So, hiding themselves have only one reason, that is bad intention.
2. Questionable business model:-
The business model of MAVWealth doesn't make any sense for offering high dollar amounts with the lowest bid. Anyway, they can say that is bidding. But what about ROI plans? From where they will cover that ROI to pay their affiliates, means to pay from 1.5% to 2% daily on the investment amount of the affiliates. The only verifiable source of income is the amount that affiliates invest in the company which makes their business a Ponzi scheme.
3. Fake Testimonials:-
They have provided lots of fake testimonials using actors/performers from the site known as Fiverr.com. All the people in the videos who are yelling that they have made a good amount of money from MAVWealth are actually the actors/performers who do such testimonials videos for $5 in website known as Fiverr.com. You can search testimonials video service within Fiverr.com and you can find all of those people there providing testimonials services for $5.
4. Lack of real testimonials calming people win auction in MAVWealth:-
We searched a lot to find out if there is anyone who really wins the auction in MAVWealth, but we didn't find anyone.
5. Lots of complaints from members:-
You can find lots of complaints form the members of MAVWealth for not wining the auction and even complaining their auction doesn't work well. They say whoever bid less amount will win the auction. But, if you bid $1 first and someone outbid you by placing more lower bid than $1 and later on if you again bid $5, then you will find out that even your that $5 will be considered as a unique bid. But, if there is already a person who bid less than $1 to outbid you from the auction, then how your $5 can be considered as a unique bid, which proves that their auction system is totally corrupt.
Well, we can go on and on, but we think we have already provided enough reasons to show you why we don't recommend MAVWealth. So, now we want to conclude this MAVWealth review.
Aforementioned, it is now clear that MAVWealth is not a good company. So, stay out of it, otherwise instead of making money from MAV Wealth, you can lose your money there. We have listed MAVWealth within our Not Recommended sites list. However, if you are interested to earn money online, but doesn't know from where to start, then you can find the list of our recommended good and trusted online work companies by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/legitimate-work-home-businesses/
Although we have listed several kinds of good and trusted online work companies, we have recommended Wealthy Affiliate as a No.1 online work company. If you want to find out why, then you can find our detailed Wealthy Affiliate review by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.org/wealthy-affiliate-review/
Please feel free to share this MAVWealth review with your friends and families to warn them about it:-
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