LogiPTC Review, Is LogiPTC a scam? - NOI

LogiPTC Review, Is LogiPTC a scam?

We have listed LogiPTC within our Not Recommended sites list because it is very hard to make even a $100 per year with lots of referrals from LogiPTC because the amount of ads which you need to view to earn from LogiPTC is very less. Not only LogiPTC, but actually it is very hard to make money from any PTC sites, so we don't recommend any PTC sites.

We were working with LogiPTC from more than 3 years and within these 3 years, we never get good amount of ads. Even sometimes there were not any ads to view for more than a month due to which even it becomes hard to retain the referrals because most of the people leave the site after they know they can't earn good amount of money by viewing ads on that site on their own.

So, we are not recommending Logi PTC because from now we decided to recommend only those sites from where members can earn at least decent amount of money, which have high rate of successful members, which are established from very long time. So, considering these all factors, Wealthy Affiliate is our No.1 recommendation. If you don't know what is Wealthy Affiliate, then you can find the details by clicking this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/

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Before you begin with our Logi PTC review, we want to inform you that you will not earn even a pocket money in a year by working with Logi PTC. Therefore if you are searching LogiPTC reviews to establish your full-time online career, then it is better you join No.1 rated company known as Wealthy Affiliate. For more details on Wealthy Affiliate please click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/

OK let's begin with our LogiPTC review to find out what is LogiPTC and either is LogiPTC scam or legit.

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Background of LogiPTC

Logic PTC has been online since January 2010, owned and managed by David Anderson. It is based in USA.

What is LogiPTC.com?

Like other PTC sites, in Logi PTC also members can earn money by clicking ads and making referrals.

But, it isn't good as it sounds. You can't make even a $10 in one year from your own clicks. And if you refer people, they will just leave the site after some days when they know the fact that the earnings from this site is not good. That is why we don't recommend any PTC sites like LogiPTC because you can't make good income from any PTC sites and PTC sites are also not good for the advertisement purpose.

We have explained in details why Logi PTC is also not good for advertisement purpose within the "Drawbacks of LogiPTC site" caption as below.

Drawbacks of LogicPTC site

  • LogiPTC is a PTC site and there is a record of PTC sites turning into scam even after running successfully for many years.
  • Earning is very low, you can't make even a $10 per year from your own work in LogiPTC.
  • It is hard to retain the referrals in LogiPTC due to the low earnings.
  • Very low-quality traffic for the advertisers because in PTC sites only those view ads who want to earn money, not those who are interested in those ads. So, advertising in PTC sites is also not a good idea.
  • The amount of ads are very less in LogiPTC.
  • LogiPTC doesn’t have any forum, therefore you can’t communicate with other staff and members of the Logic PTC site publicly.
  • We have found that there are viruses in some ads in LogicPTC site.
  • The support is very irresponsive, most of the time you will never get reply from them. As per our experience even our payment kept on pending for one month, after that we email them, but they never replied us, however after two weeks from the date we send them email, they released our payment. So, sometime you may get stuck due to their irresponsive support and payment delays.


Aforementioned, LogiPTC is not a good option either to advertise your products or services or to make money online, so we don't recommend it.

If you are looking for the full-time online career, then you can join Wealthy Affiliate which helps you to earn good amount of money. Wealthy Affiliate falls under our No.1 rated online business. For more details on Wealthy Affiliate you can click this link:- newsonlineincome.com/wealthy-affiliate-review/

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Good Luck!

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Deroka Author
Hello, I'm Deroka (Suman Roka). I'm a part of the team that has written many reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome.com. I'm the one who researches and writes the reviews of various online companies. Additionally, I take on the role of editing the reviews, articles, and posts on NewsOnlineIncome. If you want to learn more about our team members, you can visit our About Us page. To know more about me, you can follow my Facebook Profile. I also recommend you to check our Reddit Page for more info on scams.


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